Not A Stupid Dream

Start from the beginning

"Ah, this is torture!" He heard Kirishima say. "I can't see anything."

The streets were so quiet that a pin could be heard in the distance as they all watched in fear. Izuku's eyes were wide, watching intensely. Despite not being able to see, he could hear the fight continuing. The sounds of punches being exchanged were unmistakeable, that they could break the sound barrier. But then, they started to die down, almost a whisper compared from the start.

"I should be there...All Might..."

Finally, the dust was beginning to clear.

"We're getting clear vision of the fight now." The reported declared, causing the crowd to gasp. Slowly, the footage was clearing up, revealing a decimated city, levelled by two powerful beings.

"The battlefield seems to be more destroyed by this fight. Other heroes are trying desperately to rescue civilians caught in the mess and... Wait! I think I can see them!"

The smoke continued to clear up before finally vanishing, no longer obstructing the camera's view. And in that moment, Izuku became frozen in place. His mouth quivered and his hands shook. In that moment, his world came crumbling down.

The camera was on both All Might and All for One, with All for One towering over All Might. His expanded, quirk filled fist was plunged into All Might's face, squashing it into nothingness. All Might was on the ground, motionless. Not moving an inch. Not a breath. Not a twitch.

Shock and denial surrounded the atmosphere as the public reacted to what was in front of them. The reality that they feared. Then, the reporter confirmed it.

"... We're still trying to confirm it, but... I believe the villain... has defeated All Might. All Might is down. All Might's... I think... All Might's... dead..."

The words around him became a blur. All the shouting and crying were nothing to Izuku. He barely heard anything. He just about heard the frustrated and devastated shouting from Bakugo and his friends. But he couldn't hear anything. He didn't want to hear anything. He didn't want it to be true. But even he couldn't deny what he saw. His hero, his mentor was still on the ground, defeated and gone. Gone in an instant.

Slowly, he fell onto his knees, still staring at the screen in disbelief. Tears immediately fell without warning, rapidly falling like a waterfall. The image became hard to see, like the tears became a way to hide from the reality. But it couldn't. It wouldn't change anything.

"No... he's not... he can't... be.... I should have been there.... I should have.... No... All... Might... All Might...!"


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"No!" Izuku's scream echoed across his room as he shot up from his bed. His eyes were wide with shock and his breathing was quick and deep. He could feel his heart beating fast, prompting him to clench his chest as he continued to breathe heavily. His entire body was shaking violently, and he could feel cold sweat coming down his face, causing the bangs of his hair to stick to it.

His mind was all over the place as he tried to think about what just happened. He didn't know what to believe, what reality he was in. He started to feel dizzy, so he lied back down on his bed. He looked around, taking note of the dorm room he was sleeping in. He rubbed his face with his hand, still covered in sweat and his body still shaking.

"Was it real? Was it fake? Was All Might...?"

"All Might!" Izuku exclaimed as he shot up from his bed, ignoring the pounding sensation in his head. He started to feel tears forming in his eyes as he reached for his phone behind him. It was late, about midnight when he looked at the time on his phone, but he had to know. He had to know what reality he was in. He frantically scrolled through his contacts until he reached his mentor's name. He quickly pressed it before putting the call on speaker.

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