❦︎ The forbidden hall ❦︎

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" 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞."


The dusky sky nimbly lit up, exposing a sapphire heaven,accompained by the warm star that bared the woodland for all that it is. Shifting her eyes from one direction to the other, she looked for any sign of magic on one of the trees. But the trees lightly shuffled when the breeze stroked their olive leafs. Their auburn branches never made a single move.

Andro couldn't believe the night has ended in a blink of an eye. It felt like minutes but it was hours. Her palace duties will begin soon and so she bid farwell to her teachers and returned safely back to the stronghold, occasionally glancing at the colorful birds that fleeted when they saw her aunt and her.

She took of her beautiful navy armour. Cautiously, she placed it under her bed. She wore her usual costume cloth. Guiding her feet back to the princess's chambers she groaned thinking about how the arrogant princess would torture her today. She didn't see the maids on the halls so she was late for her chores. She silently prayed that the princess won't notice her disappearance. But what most took over her thoughts was the night she had with them and the secrets she uncovered along her path.

She slowly sild in, hiding herself behind the lined up maids who took orders from the princess. To her relief the princess wasn't aware of her tardiness.She lined herself after Mesert.

Meseret gave Andro a heartwarming smile,nudging her elbow to Andro's rib. The princess kept giving them orders until her eyes fell on two skinny maids that whispered to eachother. Deviously smirking, she gave them an order to clean the windows of her ample chamber and wash all her gowns. Mesert gasped muttering cuss words under her breath. All she demanded the others to do was to clean the floor or make her dessert. It wasn't even a chore worth assigning to.

Everyone scurried away so that they could finish their daily chores earlier.

" That arrogant cow!" Meseret muttered, glaring at the door the princess walked out of.

Andro smiled at the choice of her words and inquired. " Did I perhaps do something to her?"

Meseret shook her head. " Not at all. She is just jealous."

Andro can't help but laugh at the silly response. " Why would a princess be a jealous of a maid?"

" You are very pretty and you don't use all those ghastly looking treaments on your skin." Mesert smiled.

Andro cheeks tinted scarlet as she looked away.

Abrutly sauntering, she picked up the piece of rag and dusted the windows. They scrubbed every threshold, and washed the princess's heavy soaked gowns. Depsite their exhausting labour work, meseret remained ever so cheerful. Making some wrathful comments, meseret moped the dirty floor, while Andro chuckled at her words.They chatted about every single thing they could think of. She had to refrain from telling her who she was but sometimes it almost slipped out of her tounge.

When they finally finished their work. It was almost mid-day. The halls they passed all had craved woods with geze letters. Andro wished she knew how to read them but lucky for her, Meseret knew how to read and so she promised she would help her with it. Meseret took to the large library. It was just like the one at her home town except wider and yet it's lively and warm aura made her feel safe. Inviting books were placed neatly on the long aurburn shelves, ascendingly seated in the matter issues that it portrayed. Andro traced the leathered covers of the books as she grinned at her only friend.

Mesert told her about the anicent letters and numbers of geze. Girls were illteriate but Meseret used to sneak out books from the palace library to read poems and stories. Andro was ecstatic. For the first time in her life. She had friend who understood what it was like to get attached to a book.

They read for the rest of the day. Glancing at eachother with a smile. Finally it was time for Meseret to go help her mother at the kitchen and so he waved goodbye and left.

Andro knew it also her cue to leave. She didn't want to repeat yesterday's situation. Marching back to her room, she walked faster. When she finally looked up from her feet. She understood that she had lost her path. A crimson dyed curtain, decorated with a gold marking was hanged high. The hall screamed danger and yet she can't stop herself from being drawn to like a moth to a flame. As humans aren't we all drawn to forbidden things?

Curiousity made her cast the long curtain aside and enter to the dark hall. As she took one step inside, the waxlight torched on it's own accord. Gulping the lump in her thoart, she looked to her side and saw a large portrait of a man with a crown on his head. Gasping, she touched the ends of the beautiful piece of art of her own father. His forehead was pinched forcefully as his dark brown eyes held no light in them. His dark lip was sealed tightly forming a thin line. Returning her gaze ahead, she heaved nearer to a door with a metal knob.

The cricking sound of the metal echoed as if it was calling for help. Shutting her eyes tightly she thrusted the door further but the barking man at the end of the hall made her freeze on her spot. She slowly turned to look at the bulky man who had bloodshot eyes from fury. She quickly moved her hands away from the knob as he roared.

" What are you doing here?!This hall is off limits to everyone!"

" I.... I didn't know that." She trembled on her spot.

" Everyone here knows that... I am afraid I have to take this matter to the king." He snarled, taking a step forward to capture Andro.

Placing her hands on her wildily beating chest. She kept her breath steady and tried to dodge his attempt to catch her.

Hey fabulous souls! :)

What do you think about this chapter? Most of all what do you think is inside the so called forbidden hall?

This chapter is dedicated is to the amazing author poobear- 💜 because she has been one of the best supportive readers/authors I have ever met. Shout out to her!

Please don't forget to press the star on the bottom and show me some love, comment your thoughts about it don't leave them to be forgotten they are precious! Share too!

Love, Mercy💙

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐚 (On Hold )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant