Knife Play Pt2

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~⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: Contains Knifes, Imagery of blood, Choking etc.
~If you are under age read at your own risk
~This is only for fun plz don't take it seriously
~Sorry if there is any grammar mistakes/punctuation
~This fanfic also has profanities
~Requests are open!
~Feel free to comment your fav moment
~y/n style ;)

"Jungkook you're really hurting me s-stop. P-please?" "Is that a question you ask? I didn't tell you to speak." He growls as he pokes your leg softly with the knife. "You know I can only control you." You nod and start to cry even more. As tears ran down your cheek, Jungkook seemed to like seeing you in pain

"I'm a little too harsh aren't I baby" he says as he stabs your leg. You scream at the loudest you can. Your eyes start to swell up from crying so much. "Jungkook take it out, TAKE IT OUT" "Keep quiet." You plead and beg for mercy as you haven't done anything for Jungkook to be mad. He takes the knife out and starts to suck on your wound

You cover your mouth muffling your screams. "Please Jungkook, hug me please. I'm scared" he looks up at you laughing. "You needy whore. You think I'm going to hug you?" You cry more and more. "Please." "Oh shut up" he gets up and starts putting his clothes on. He throws you a tissue box. "Clean up your mess" "My mess? I'm here losing blood and this is my fault???"

"Shut up. Do what I say" he commands. As you try and clean your blood, there was too much. It already had stained the bed.

Suddenly, you had an idea. Your phone was right next to you so you pick it up and start to dial. "377830 wishnet ave 88260. P-please come get me, I'm losing too much blood. I've been stabbed." You quietly whisper.

Soon you hear Jungkooks foot steps and you put the phone away as fast as you could. "You're worthless. I've done better but I can't do anything on you slut." "Jungkook this isn't funny I'm gonna die" "No you won't. I've done this several times but no one died. I think."

Minutes later you hear sirens and tires screeching across the cold dewy road. "Did you call the cops?!" "Yes." "What the fuck y/n?!" "I'm sorry. Your a psycho and I know you don't even love me." "You piece of shit. Come with me." "I CANT MOVE! I've been stabbed and you expect me to just walk??" "Fine stay here"

Jungkook runs to the bathroom and comes back with a tissue box. He starts to cover to blood with the tissues and starts to cry. He then takes the lamp and throws it at the window. "Jungkook-?" Seconds later you both hear a loud noise. The cops broke into your house by knocking the door down. "HELP WE ARE UPSTAIRS"

The cops come running up the stairs and Jungkook bawls even more. "T-they stabbed my baby. Please help she's gonna die" he says crying. "Who stabbed you" the cops ask.

You look at Jungkook and he looks at you. "I don't know. I was sleeping and he was doing the laundry downstairs." "What is your name sir?" "Jungkook"

"Well Mr.Jungkook, didn't you hear anyone come in?" "No I didn't because our washer is very loud so I didn't hear anything. Not until she screamed" As the questioning went on they called an ambulance and took you to the hospital and treated your wounds.

After the nurses left Jungkook spoke to you. "Why did you lie" "Because I still love you" Jungkook gets up and walks towards the door.

"Wait till I come back"

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