Mamie AF (Jamie Pine x Mike Jerry Fanfiction)

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"..and today's weather will be cloudy with some light rain in parts of the country..."

The weather lady continued to talk about the weather as somewhere, just within hearing distance,a baby was wailing as a siren screeched. People hustled around on the cold streets out side the cafe as a soft rain began to fall. The smell of Starbucks filled the air. Maybe the other customers noticed the long haired boy staring into space, but then again maybe they didn't..

Jamie was miles away..

All Jamie could think about was Mike.

Everything about Mike was amazing!

Mike's hair.
How would it feel to run his hands run through it? Jamie wondered.

Mike's perfect cheek bones.
I wonder what it would be like to caress them.

Mike's beautiful lip piercings.

What would it feel like to glide his tongue over them as he and Mike made out...

Jamie shook himself before the thoughts got too carried away...

Jamie had met Mike the night before in London at a YouTube meet up and the two had hit if off instantly which lead to them exchanging numbers. (and the two boys texting all night)

And although Jamie was tired he was excited for what was happening today! Mike was coming ove-

"Excuse me? Next please?"

Jamie looked up and realized he had made it to the front of the Que.

"Um..I.. sorry...well" Jamie blushed.

"Haha, that's okay, what can I get you?" the kind man asked.

"Just a regular coffee please" Jamie said, already starting to zone out again.

After ten minutes of staring into space and picturing Mike's angelic face, he got his coffee and walked briskly home.

What do I need to do to get ready, Jamie thought to himself as he walked into his house.

He glanced at th he clock, it was 12:16. That meant he had exactly 44  minutes until Mike was due to arrive.

Jamie raced up the stairs and looked in the mirror. Woah, he thought, I look like a complete  mess..

He plugged his iPod into the speakers and started playing Hoodie Allen's new album.

I can't believe I've met him, Jamie grinned at the memory. That was probably the best night he'd ever had. Apart from last night, he giggled to himself.

And soon enough, Jamie was thinking of Mike again..

"Crap" Jamie said as he checked the clock again. It was now 12:37 and he was still in his pyjamas... He quickly tore through his closet for something decent to wear.

Skinny jeans, skinny jeans, oh and look, another pair of skinny jeans, Jamie thought as he threw his clothes all over his bedroom floor...

~ Meanwhile on a bus to Plymouth ~

Mike was sitting beside the window next to a lady who smelt of cheap perfume. Not that Mike noticed much though, he was so caught up in his thoughts he'd barely realized she was even there.

What if he doesn't like me anymore?

What if he thinks I'm annoying?

What if he regrets even inviting me to his house?

What if he never wants to see me again?!

The last thought was so horrendous he shuddered.

He knew it was crazy to have such a big crush on someone  he'd only met the day before but Jamie was different.

Jamie was special.

Jamie made Mike feel butterflies when he thought about him (which was most of the time!) This feeling was something he hadn't felt in a while..

The lady next to Mike got off at the next stop and a girl of about sixteen sat down next to Mike.

"Excuse me?" She said innocently, betting her eyelashes.

"Can I have your number, I've lost mine"

Mike turned to her, completely weirded out.

"Um why don't you ask my boyfriend for it?" he reported sassily.

The girl looked shocked but not as shocked as Mike felt. Why had he called Jamie his boyfriend?!

The girl apologized and moved seats quickly, leaving Mike to ponder his thoughts.

About half an hour late he checked his watch and realized it was 12:43, which meant only two more minutes on the bus!

As soon ad the bus arrived at the station, Mike hopped off and called a taxi to take him to Jamie's house.

The drive from the station to Jamie's house was silent and this silence left Mike to freak himself out more by thinking Jamie probably didn't want to see him..

When the taxi stopped outside a big white house, Mike took a deep breath and walked up to the door , ringing the bell with two thoughts on his mind. Firstly, I can't wait to see Jamie!!! And second, what if he doesn't want to see me?! 


Jamie was hurriedly throwing his clothes back in their drawers. Until a few minutes ago his room had looked like a bomb site but now it was tidy, well as tidy as Jamie goes..

He was hanging up the last coat when the door bell rang. He took one more look in the mirror and fixed his hair one last time before running down the stairs, full of excitement and nerves...

But when Jamie swung open the door, the grins on both their faces washed away all of the doubt and replaced it with happiness!

The boys hugged and then walked into the kitchen and started what was going to be the best day of both of their lives...

The end!


Authors note!

Guys I don't even know what this is...

Also this is roughly based off how Jamie and Mike actually met but I don't really know much so I kinda invented it lol...

(Also if Mike or Jamie ever stumble upon this, erase it from your memories as soon as possible okay... )

ALSO again, I just read a reply Jamie said to some one and their first kiss was at the train station! I think that's adorable hehe)

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