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     You wake up to persistent knocking on your bedroom door. 

     You momentarily lift your head from your pillow and groan when you realize it's still dark outside. Annoyed, you roll over and check your phone, squinting as the light invades your senses.

 Annoyed, you roll over and check your phone, squinting as the light invades your senses

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     Not even five in the morning? Is she insane?

     The knocking only grows louder and more insistent.


     You groan and roll over, silently pleading for your mother to give up and walk away. To your utter displeasure, she takes your silence as her cue to loudly barge into your room and turn the lights on.

     "Up, up, up! Breakfast is waiting for you in the kitchen!" She announces in a tone of voice that makes you want to face plant onto your pillow.

     "Mom, please just give me ten more minutes! It's so early!" 

     Your mother only huffs at your plea and peels back your covers.

     "Get out of bed. We have a long drive ahead."


     "The longer you stall, the bigger the chance that your sister will eat the last bagel. Get up!"

     The threat of going bagel-less is what finally gets you to march downstairs and claim your breakfast. Your little sister is already dressed and happily finishing off a glass of orange juice. You don't even acknowledge her as you make your way to the toaster.

     "Mom said I can have your room after we leave you in Florida!" you hear the little brat say smugly behind your back. You roll your eyes and bite your tongue.

     It's way too early for this kind of pointless argument, but she clearly didn't get the memo because she follows up her previous statement with "I'm going to ask her if we can paint the walls pink!"

     Luckily, your father comes to your rescue.

     "Leave your sister alone, Sophie. Why don't you go put your bags in the car, okay?"

     The toaster dings just as your little sister skips out to the car.

     "Hey, kiddo, why don't you make that bagel to-go? We've got to get on the road," your father says, patting you on the back. You grunt in response and take a bite of breakfast before going upstairs to double-check that you have packed everything. It only takes you five more minutes to brush your teeth and wash your face before you are finally ready to embark on this road trip.

     Once your dad pulls out of the driveway, you plug in your headphones and settle in for nine hours of music and podcasts.


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