🐧 ⋆ 🐠 🎀 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝒮𝒽❁𝓌 🎀 🐠 ⋆ 🐧

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Eunwoo telling all the answer to Moonbin questions, and he is being serious in every words he say. Moonbin realized that Eunwoo is actually a kind person like Sanha has been tolding him before. He trying to give it all to the person he care, to the one he love. That the reason why when he lost someone that actually means a lot to him, it quite hard for him to accept it. After that conversation, Moonbin heading himself back to his dorm and talking to himself. He trying to find the reason why there so many people still can't accept about the same gender relationship so he find the information on the internet, and the answer he get is that old people don't think like us. They accept what has been define in the past, so if something going out of the area that it should be. They consider something wrong happened, but right now there some new generation being pop up and almost or actually all of them know what love is. If we love someone by our heart, sex or even classes has been the thing that people have not mentioning it. It like if we actually loving someone, there no reason for them to stop loving each other. Sex and classes might be a small thing nowadays and this new generation of people have not taking that into account anymore. He finally realized that he cannot force someone to accept thing that they don't want to, he just trying to be confident in his love and no matter how terrify his relationship with Eunwoo are in other people eyes. He should have care the one he love. He should have be certain to the one who expected good thing happening to him, not the one that keep throwing shit to him and saying something behind his back. He feel like his love with Eunwoo is kind of not wrong anymore, actually it depend on people perspectives and we can't stop them from hating us.

The next day...

Moonbin ringing a bell in front of Eunwoo house and go to school together. When they reaching school, everything seems normal like his rumor has never been a viral thing on the internet. Moonbin decided to do what inside his heart, he grab Eunwoo hand. Intertwining it and he doing its tightly afraid of getting loose. Eunwoo quite surprised while Moonbin decided to do this kind of thing to him in a public so he decided to questioning him "What happening with you today? You not the one who doing something like this out while there a lot of people" he ask then waiting. Moonbin then reply "I do what I want to... with you. I don't care about others now. I'm caring only you. I just want to give you back all the love you gave me" he said while smiling. Eunwoo then said "What change your mind then?" he ask curiously. Moonbin then explain "The thing that change my mind is you, from the reason you tell me yesterday about that annoying gangster. I didn't think that you will be the kind of person who letting them go that easily. You seem to be so harsh in other people, but when you said that it make me feel like you are caring a lot about other people. You must be tired right, trying to carry and thinking about all other people thoughts toward what we are. Don't worry about it anymore. I will be your sunshine when you need. I will do what my heart think and I will not be shy anymore. I will make you smile whenever you with me" he said while giving him a kiss. Eunwoo smiling as bright as he did as the sign that he is in a happiness moment. Eunwoo then kissing Moonbin back and both of them smiling to each other, and walking to the classroom.

Both Eunwoo and Moonbin are studying in the class until someone has coming inside. They are a modeling looking for a cast and they know about the rumor of Eunwoo and Moonbin. When they coming in the class, the first thing that catching their mind is Eunwoo and Moonbin sitting together beside a window. Modeling then said "Hi all, we are coming from the famous entertainment name the best vote. I would like to invited Eunwoo and Moonbin to have a interviewing for our program that has been setting up. The show is called talking of the town, and I think you guys are the talking of the town right now. Would you like to coming for an interview?" one of the modeling said and wait for their response. Eunwoo and Moonbin are discussing about that are they gonna be feeling nervous when they are in front of the camera. Moonbin ask Eunwoo a question "Do you wanna go? I'm okay but you might not be familiar when their a lot of people out there" he said while worrying about him. Eunwoo then answer "I'm fine, just having you I don't need to bother other people. I think I can handle that" he said while smiling. Moonbin then ask again "Be honest, are you actually fine with it. Just don't force yourself to it if you don't want to" he said and waiting for a confirmation. Eunwoo then answer "I'm totally fine, don't worry. I think it a good idea though, if I and you can actually be in this career we might earn a lot of money in the future" he said with the reason supporting that. Moonbin then nodding his head and screaming from the place where he seat "We would like to have a try. When and what the time is it?" he said it out loud. All the student in the class were all clapping a hand for them. Indicate that his decision is acceptable by the class. Moonbin actually realized his decision is not wrong, his friends still supporting him and that all he ask for. Modeling handle the card while showing all the detail for casting and both of them are smiling back at them. Once everything done all modeling leave and their friend are coming and having a talk with them. "Give me a signature right now. Once you guys famous I will not be able to lining in the queue and waiting for you. It might take half of my life while waiting on that" one of their friend speaking it out. Moonbin then answer "We are not actually casting yet, I'm not sure that we are gonna be famous" he said while he humble. One friend said "Are you kidding? You guys are famous right now. If someone doesn't know your love story they should have live in the ancient ice age right now" that friend said and laughing. Moonbin feeling a little awkward and a little happy. He know everything going to be fine whenever he with his lover. The most important thing is that, their relationship is somehow moving on to another levels.

This is my first boy love story. Wish you guys all will enjoys. If you have any comments or suggestions feel free to let me know. See you next episode.

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