Allison smirked evilly upon seeing the look Isabella was giving her, " Around eight o'clock tonight... so you're fully in?"

Isabella scoffed under her breath briefly before rapidly flicking her hand in the air, her claws popping out of her fingernails, " Of course I am. Let's show them that we're not as fragile as they think."



Lydia was quite literally bored out of her mind as she continued to stare at the annoying bright yellow bus ahead of them. She cared about Isabella too, but she felt as if Allison was taking it to the extreme. She had been through many traumatic events recently and anyone could tell she needed space and time, something Lydia knew all to well. Lydia just figured that Allison felt guilty in a way for the incident and maybe that was why she was so adamant on making sure Isabella was alright. Allison was the one who had convinced her that going to the abandoned mall that night.

Lydia rolled her eyes as quiet music played throughout the small Mazda and pulled her eyes off the rear of the bus to look at her nervous looking friend, " Allison, can you be honest with me for a second? Are you doing all this because you feel responsible or what? I mean this is a bit excessive."

Allison's hands became sweaty upon hearing Lydia's words and her hands gripped the steering wheel harder. She shook her head frantically and her voice shook nervously, " No...why would you think that? I'm just looking out for my friend."

Allison's words did not fool Lydia, you could tell from a mile away that she was lying. Lydia didn't need to have supernatural hearing to know it either.

Lydia looked over at Allison with sympathy and put her hand on Allison's shoulder comfortingly," Allison... you aren't to blame for her dad's death. No one thinks that and I can tell you for certain that she doesn't either."

At the feeling of Lydia's hand on her shoulder, Allison's knew she had been caught and that immediately brought tears to her eyes. She briefly looked over at Lydia with her eyes begin to gloss up, her voice breaking, " I should have listened to Scott, we should have never gone."

Allison then quickly put her eyes back onto the road and the big bus in front of them as she shook her head, tears falling down her face, " It should have never happened."



Isabella and Allison were almost done packing up the trunk of the Camaro full of Allison's arrows when Isabella's phone rang out for the twelfth time in the last ten minutes. Isabella ignored the rings and let her phone continue to sit unbothered in the back pocket of her black jeans. Allison on the other hand stood next to her as Isabella threw one of the last bags in with an affirmative look on her face.

After securing the bag in her trunk and continuing to ignore the constant ringing, Isabella turned to grab the last bag off the ground only to see Allison standing next to her, silently reprimanding her. Isabella stopped in her tracks and stared back at Allison who raised her eyebrow at her in question.

Isabella threw her hands up in the air and then smacked them down on her legs, " What?"

" Are you gonna answer your phone?" Allison asked as she crossed her hands over her chest and leaned against the side of the black Camaro.

Isabella rolled her eyes as she bent down to pick up the last bag, " It's just Scott. He's trying to check in on me and make sure that I have no idea that he is keeping secrets from me, that everyone is keeping shit from me."

" I think you should answer at least one of his calls." Allison said as she shrugged her shoulders and came over to Isabella's side.

Isabella threw the last bag into the the trunk before slamming it shut and turning to Allison with her eyebrows threaded together in confusion, " Why would I answer him? I thought we were trying to keep our endeavors a secret, do you want him to stop us? If he finds out he will do everything in his power to keep us away."

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