Smart and Smarter

Start from the beginning

"Chase the dream?" Bree asked "Please do not give these to anyone I might want to become friends with."

I held up another card "Too late." and Bree groaned.

"I've got a whole plan, check it out. I even linked the latest facial recognition software to the school database to create a laser automated attendance system." An alarm went off and some guy name Andrew Lamb walked through. Chase's voice went through the system saying that he has been late three times in a row. If that ever did it to me, I'd rip the wiring's out and hit my boyfriend with it.

"Straight to the principals office Andy." Chase said "He'll thank me later for putting him on the right path."

"Ugh, dude your never going to win with that. Kids want fun stuff like Jacuzzis in math class and hallways paved with candy. Oh! And I think Biology would be a lot more fun if we could juggle the frogs before we dissected them!" We don't want any of that...well, I know I don't anyways.

"That's frog abuse." Leo stated.

"Fine. We'll do it after. But it's going to get messy."

Everyone walked into lunch but I held Chase back "Why do you need to be student of the semester so bad? You and I both know how your a genius. Isn't that enough?"

Chase took my hand "It's not just that. I want the whole school to know who is the smartest person amoung them. I need this." he begged.

"Fine but I'm just worried. I have a bad feel about this." I said.

Chase smiled "What could go wrong?"

With Chase still holding onto my hand, he pulled me into the lunch room. Adam was up in line and I sat down with Bree at one of the lunch tables.

Chase scanner thingy went off "Too much gravy."

"Don't tell me what to do turkey."

I watched from my seat Chase and Adam's interaction "Adam, that's my nutritional scanner insuring that everyone gets a personally balanced and nutritious lunch."

"Chase I don't think your scanners a very good idea."

"Of course it is! Who doesn't love being told how to eat properly?"

People's lunches went through the scanner and was telling them how much food was on their tray. It was really annoying "Chase you're going about this all wrong let me help."

"Look I know how to win you votes."

The next thing I knew Adam came wheeling in on a cart and shouting to vote for Chase. I smiled but saw Chase wasnn't too happy. "Adam what is going on?"

"I'm helping you win. Or should I say I'm helping you win. That last part was said into the microphone and I had to cover my ears.

"I do not need a cheesy DJ setup."

"That's why I brought an awesome DJ setup!" Adam said.

Then everyone started dancing with spoons except me and Chase. Could things get any weirder?

I walked out of the cafeteria suddenly not feeling hungry. Plus I so did not want the scanner to go over my food and judge me for what I eat.

After another class ended I caught up with Chase again and we held hands while walking back into the cafeteria where Adam was putting down one of the vending machines "Hey!" and Adam started screaming "Adam for the last time that's not a giant lunch box."

"No it's part of your new campaign for student of the semester. I, I mean you, put a vending machine in study hall."

"But those aren't even healthy foods. Is that key lime pie?" I took a closer look. Holy crap that is key lime pie. What is that doing in there?

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