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"Dearest Harry,

I love your voice. I love how the words come out of your mouth in your deep British accent. It sounds like a Cello playling a Sol diesis to me. Your voice is an amazing Sol diesis. I love how you speak slowly, giving every sound its own importance. You make me feel important, and you don't even know me. (You won't for a while.)

Best wishes,


Harry came home from University waiting to find a new little paper on the floor, which he did. A little smile appeared on his face, and he was happy. Really happy.

As the first time, he read it one, two, three times, and so on and so forth. He wanted to make sure he hadn't missed a word, even thought it all made perfect sense the first time. Harry truly liked this boy, the words he wrote and the way he made him feel.

He carefully set his guitar by the door, went in his bedroom and jumped on his bed. Laying on his belly, he started to write. It was around 4pm when he decided his note was how he wanted it to be. Tons of scribbled and creased papers adorned his bedroom's floor. A bare-footed, pyjama wearing Harry left the note on the floor in front of his door.

He then went to the kitchen, not bothering to see who would pick his note up. He chose to only know who Louis was, when he'd decide to tell him, and he was perfectly okay with that.


Sol diesis (Sol#): A music note. Most English-speaking countries call it a G sharp (G#).

I hope you like it! :) x

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