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"Dear Louis,

When I read your note I felt light-headed and happy like an allegro. It's amazing how your simple words had such an effect on me. I don't know who you are or why you sent that note in the first place. I don't even know if you'll get mine, but I hope you do. I'm hoping to get more notes from you, Louis.



Louis approached Harry's door, quickly, after checking if he wasn't in sight. He had seen him leaving his house through the little hole in his door. It's supposed to be used to see who knocks on your door, but Louis used it to spy on his neighbor.

Just as Harry, Louis read his note multiple times, smiling like a fool, but caring little about that. Actually, he couldn't care less. He thought about his words, about how he felt the exact same thing.

Louis went home, sat on his black sofa, carefully folded the note, placed in on top of the small table and picked up his notebook and pen.

Louis knew exactly what he wanted to tell Harry.


Allegro: Light, happy, fast, quickly, bright. A tempo marking. (120-128 BPM)

Tempo: tempo ("time" in Italian; plural: tempi) is the speed or pace of a given piece. It's measured in Beats Per Minute (BPM).

Crescendo || larryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें