15. Failure

21 3 5

I keep feeling like I'm about to fall 

From the almost unbearable weight of it all

instead of climbing the stairs of success

I've been climbing a never ending wall

On my side is darkness and on the other who knows what ? 

I'm striving for a future and i don't know squat

All this stress I cannot bear

It's breaking me down and bringing me too tears

I keep running from my fears

I try to get help but no one cares

Everyone sees my happiness

No one sees my sadness

That hangs over me like darkness

But I hide it with my smiles

a brilliant facade

But no one hears my cries

When that facade died

Whenever I fake a smile

Inside a part of me dies

having to tell my white lies

Is what I truly despise

They just keep holding me down 

and there's this frown

That wants to persist on my face

In everything I want in my life , it's just out of place

Author's notes: Have you ever felt like this? Let me know in the comments

Also , sorry for all the depressing stuff I've been putting out lately.






It shows that you care 

About me updating here

I know that it's rare but don't worry

they always appear

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