13.Black Lives Matter!

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There should be only one

The human race

We shouldn't be walking on a thin
Wobbly line
With fear running down our spine
Because of the melanin
Attached to our skin

We shouldn't have to walk with a fast pace
Scurrying and hurrying to place to place
In hopes of not being discriminated based on our race

We shouldn't have to worry every single day about dying
Or have to be hoping and vying
To be treated just like everyone else

We shouldn't have to fear the same people who are supposed to be protecting us
Beating , mistreating and to the ground they're throwing us

If only my words can dig up these deep seated roots of hatred
If only this wasn't the life that so many people are fated
Too, fated to be hated
Because of your skin color
To have your worth rated
By such a ridiculous factor

No matter who you are
Or Where you're from
Or Whatever color your skin is
We are all 🌌 equal🌌
We are all 🌌beautiful🌌
And we all deserve to be treated with as much

🌌 Kindness 🌌



as anybody else.

Know your worth and don't let anybody treat you less than that.


It will show that you care
About me updating here
I am sorry if it's rare
But don't worry, they always appear

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