chapter fifteen

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"At leanest you only got a punishment of McGonagall; Karkaroff was furious when he found out I got detention - I've got to clean his office for him."

Malia smirked, "Sucks to be you." Raven kicked her aggressively under the table as the hooting of owls could be heard from above.

"Ah, mails here," Neveah said smugly, a teasing smirk on her face, "Let's see if good old Uncle Lee had time to write."

And sure enough, Malia was right; a tawny owl with curious blue eyes landed on the table before her, "Hello, Fidel." The owl hooted happily, as Raven untied the letter from around its leg and passed him a bread roll before he ate it happily.

Raven began unrolling the parchment, immediately recognising the writing on it, "Told you he'd write." Neveah said smugly. Raven jabbed her in the ribs.

Her uncle had never had the most elegant writing; instead, his barely readable scrawls where smudges across the parchment.

I thought I should inform you how Professor McGonagall used to teach me - and your mother - for seven years. Therefore, I feel as though I should inform you how she knows I do not approve of your rational behavior.

I warned you of what drinking did to your mother when she was on medication; and I cannot believe you have fallen so irresponsible that you are willing to risk the same thing happening to you.

I will be grounding you from Quidditch over the summer if you continue with this rational behavior.

Uncle Lee

Raven snorted, placing the letter down on the table, "You're right." She said, glancing at Neveah, before searching through her bag for a quill and ink, "He had a go at me."

Neveah triumphantly pumped her fists in the air, "Told you so." Nathan snorted, continuing to eat his cereal, "What are you doing?" She asked, watching as Raven pulled her quill and ink out.

"Well I can't ignore him; it's not very often he has enough time to write to me." She admitted, honestly.

"Pass me the quill," Malia said, leaning forward and snatching up the letter, she flipped it over to the blank side. Raven hesitantly handed over her quill and opened her pot of ink.

Malia's writing was as - if not worse - than uncle Lees, her letters were barely readable upside down, and with her messy scrawls. Raven only managed to make out a few of the words.

Ravens Uncle Lee,

You cant ground someone who's not actually on the ground; and since flying contains - well flying - you cannot ground Raven from such activities.

This is Malia by the way; Malia McGonagall, Raven might be too afraid to mess with my auntie but I will continue to drag her into trouble with me either way.

Malia McGonagall.

Raven gasped as the girl began rolling up the parchment, "Malia, you can't send that!"

Malia rolled her eyes at her friend's dramatics as she passed the letter back to the owl, who hooted happily, and flew away, "Too late now." Raven stared at her friend in disbelief.


"I can't believe we have to clean the Prefects bathroom." Malia groaned as the two followed Professor McGonagall down the olfd, stone corridors on the fifth floor.

"If you hadn't broken school rules, you wouldn't be here," McGonagall said sternly.

"Yeah, but it's the Prefects bathroom - were not Prefects," Malia said pointing at her and her friend.

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