Chapter 14

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Jaeden's POV

I got to the Falcon Fury and saw it was destroyed, "Aw I hate when I'm right." Brian said, dropping Fred. "We're lucky it doesn't happen often." Dynomutt said. I would totally laugh right now but I am worried about my sister, Scooby and her boyfriend. Dynomutt and Dee Dee scanned the ship, "Anything?" I asked hopeful. "The primary engine is destroyed the thrusters are intact but they're way too small to launch the ship." Dee Dee said. "So we're stuck here?" Brian asked. "No, no there's got to be a way out of this I mean Alli and Robert would plan a way out of here after either one would panic like I am right now someone...." I was saying when Fred slapped the back of my head. "Thanks." I said smiling at him. "Don't mention it." He said.

"Well maybe if you little buddy didn't lead the bad guy right to us....." Brian was saying when Fred stepped in. "Leave Shaggy alone." Fred said, pushing him back. "Yeah what kind of hero blames other people for his problems?" Velma asked. "Meet Brian." Dynomutt said. "Hey you shut your dog face." Brian said. "You shut your face-face." "Because of you Scooby Doo, Alli, and Robert have a first-class ticket to the dog-pocalypse." Fred said pointing at Brian. "Don't you point your finger at me." Brian said pointing two fingers at Fred. "Well don't you double-point your finger at me." Fred said doing it as well. "Maybe I'll triple-finger point at you." Brian said. "Then Obviously I'm gonna quadruple-finger point at you." Fred said pointing four fingers at Brian. "Ha that's just a wave dipstick." Brian said, pushing Fred.

I groaned as I tried to think of what would Alli or Robert do, "Will you all shut up!" I yelled. They looked at me, "I am trying to think like my sister and her boyfriend would." I said. "Alli's got a boyfriend?" Velma asked. "Yeah she and Robert are dating." Shaggy said. "Alli and Robert?" Fred said. "Yes my OTP is together." Daphne said. "Will you all stop it. It's my fault I'm to blame I let my own jealousy break me and my best friends up. I was afraid that with their new suits and their new team things were gonna change." Shaggy said. I looked at him, "And they did change but like that's okay people can grow but it doesn't mean we're growing apart I mean do you guys seriously think Jaeden's gonna be innocent forever?" Shaggy asked. "Hey." I said. "It's true, he's becoming smarter everyday and the one thing that will never change is that he's one of my best friends and pretty much my little brother. Ten years ago a little boy made a promise to a stray puppy, a geeky boy, and a skater girl that he'd never leave them no matter what and I'm gonna keep that promise." Shaggy said.

"Hey you guys." I said looking at the Mystery Machine and the jet, "I think I know a way we can stop mustachioed menace from opening the gates to the underworld." I said and smiled over at Dynomutt. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this." Dynomutt asked the gang, Dee and Brian. "Because I've got a plan and no Fred no short cuts." I said. "Aw." Fred pouted. "The last shortcut you took got you guys kidnapped by Dastardly and also I don't wanna take forever getting there like last time." I said and Shaggy held a sandwich to me. "You know how you get when you haven't had a sandwich in a while." Shaggy said. "Thanks Shag." I said and told them what to do.

"The innocent one of the group huh?" Velma asked me. "Hey I am growing." I said smiling at her. She laughed and hugged me as we got in and went to Athens to save our friends.

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