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Of the wasteland that brooked the grief-stricken
Events of Muharram in 61 A. H; a place devoid of life—
Where Imam Husayn was forced to dismount and camp
By Hurr and his companions on Thursday, 2nd of Muharram.

"It was called Karbala and was also called Ninawa" Imam's
Companions answered his question of the name of the place.
"O Allah! I seek Your refuge from Karb (Grief) and Bala (trials)"
Said Husayn, and he wept bitterly as did his father when

He was advancing towards Siffin, and his grandfather
When Jibra'eel informed him he (Husayn) shall be killed therein.
"Grief and trial dwells herein, hence alight down,
And this is our halting place. Here will our blood be shed

And here shall we be buried. My Grandfather, the Prophet
Of Allah has foretold me regarding it." Imam Husayn
Announced. Woe betide those who besieged and betrayed
The grandson of their own Prophet—the righteous slave of Allah.


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