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Felicitations to he who answered the call of the
Son of Fatima and Commander of the faithful—
The victor in the war between intellect and passion.
On 1st of Muharram, 61 A. H, in Bayza; Hurr ibn Yazid,

Who had an encounter with one of those for whose sake the
Verse of Purification and the verse of Mubahala were revealed—
Who was deprived water along with his womenfolk
And family from the waters of Euphrates which was open for all.

"I have reached a place where the ways to Paradise and
Hell part. By Allah, even if I am cut to pieces and burnt a
Number of times I shall not prefer anything to Paradise"
Said the fortunate man on the day of Ashura;

Who savoured unfeigned freedom—a rise up the Divine path,
With a soul awaken by Husayn's lustrous words that
Conquered satanic temptations.The magnanimous Imam
Gifted him freedom, saying  "You are a free person as your

Mother named you Hurr (free). You are free in this world as
Well as in the Hereafter." Hurr combated with Umar ibn Sa'd's
Horsemen for some time reciting Rajaz, and some Couplets:
"I am Hurr, a host to the guest, I strike your necks with a swift

Sword, in defense of the one who has alighted at the ground
Of Kheef (in Mina), while I do not regret over it".
He fought alongside Zuhayr bin Qayn, and was martyred by
An accursed Kufan soldier; Ayyub ibn Musarrah.


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