Chapter- II

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"Ok, maybe I am hallucinating.No it has to be real but what proof to I have besides a bottle?Errrrr Ayumu bloody Aven!"

"Sora have your breakfast you'll be late for class" Cami reminded.

Sora sat down,leaned against the table "Sis do you believe in demons?".

"Of course if God exists,so does demons 'Ying -Yang Sora'." Cami smiled and patted Sora's head.

Sora wondered if she should tell Cami about Aven but she was not sure.

"Be careful when you go out and try keeping a pepper spray with you.I heard there are very bad people these days".

"Bad people had always been there Sora" Cami smiled.


Sora kept flipping pages of her book again and again.

"I am so fat" Ran complained.

"If you are fat then I am hippo"Sora replied.

"Aven is here!" Ran exclaimed.

Aven was smiling, his piercing blue eyes staring at Sora.

He went upto his bench,sat down and placed his head on his hand and stared at Sora's side. The wind blowing from the window gently moving his raven hair.

"Why is he looking here?" Ran blushed.

Nanami covered her face with a book.

Aven stood up and walked towards Sora's side.

Ran clinched her fists "yes,yes" .

Nanami pretended like she was studying, both thinking and hoping that he was coming to talk to them.

While Sora shivered.

Aven moved closer,he stopped..placed his hands on Sora's desk, leaned in close enough to her face..smiled..


"Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Sora screamed.

The whole class stared at her "whats wrong?" Ran questioned .

"N-n-othing,it was j--ust a bug".

She stood up and informed the class "Don't worry,it was just a bug,.

Aven who was still standing near her, laughed abit.

Then he took one of Sora's book from her desk,which Sora pulled back..Aven took it again and this time took a few steps ahead away from Sora's seat.

He wrote something on her book then he came back and placed the book on Sora's desk.He gave a smile to Sora and with his hands inside his blazer he walked away.

Sora opened the first page of her book ,on which it was written..

'Dinner with me tonight,pick you up at 7 '


Thats it for now (•_^)
If you are reading it, I will like to get some feedbacks.

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