Chapter XII

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"Why do I have this people hanging around me? And why am I not afarid or really surprised? Maybe there is something wrong with me ? ....and I really should stop talking to myself" .

"Sora there is someone here for you" Cami called out.

Sora stepped down from her room to the common room "Sen--pai what are you doing here?"

"I already asked your sister-in-law 's permission, can we walk outside for awhile?"Dylan smiled.

"Go out but don't be late" Cami nodded her head, while giving a thumbs up sign to Sora.


"You are not mad?"

"Why? For that new guy? Na" Dylan assured her.

"There is nothing going on between me and Ayumu" Sora said .

"I know" he stopped walking and turned towards her, held her hands "will you be my girlfriend?".

Those were the words she always wanted to hear from him, it was almost like dream..a good dream.

She paused for awhile .."can I think about it and reply it some other day?".

"Take all the time you want" Dylan smiled and gave a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I am gonna go home now" Sora blushed and swiftly walked towards her house.


"What you said you'll think about it?" Nanami yelled on the phone.

"I know that was stupid, but I was just taken by surprise" Sora replied.

"Is it because of Aven? Do you like him instead?" Nanami questioned.

"Nooooo how can you say that ....I'll talk to you later" She hanged up the phone.

"Aven Aven Aven ! I have no feelings for him" she assured herself.

"I did'nt wanted to come to your house but lately there are no demi-humans' activities and we are worried" Yasu stated .

"Nice paintings" Ume stated while looking around Ayumu's home.

"Don't touch any stuff" Ayumu warned to Ume.

"Don't insult my girlfr...Uh ahem Ume " Yasu blushed.

"Is'nt it a good thing that there are no demis?" Ayumu stated with an annoyed expression.

"You don't get it, there is  less activity but we can feel their presence more" Yasu explained in a concerned voice.


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