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"So you call him to your and Nanami.."

"No,not my house!" Sora spat .

"Why ?I can't call to mine.You are his friend" Ran persuaded.

"Okay okay how about Shin's place" Nanami sighed..

"Great'Ran jumped with joy  off you go now Sora".Ran gestured her hands to Sora like she was chasing some birds.


"Yo,Yasu lets go to Shin's house" Sora said in a bossy manner while patting Yasu's back.

"Eww stop touching me with your germy hands" Yasu gave an irritated look "Besides what are you doing here in the basketball court,go away,your non-athletic'ness will insult this court".

"Wow such much insult" Sora frowned .

Yasu chuckled abit "inviting me to my friend's house ha! Don't think we are friends yet".

"Sora I'll come" Aven came running,looking all sweaty in his basketball uniform.

Sora blushed abit "Eh sure..if you..wanna".

"Am coming too then" Yasu gave an annoyed look and went away from both of them.

"So Ran gonna propose?" Aven smiled lifting a water bottle to drink.

Sora noticed how toned his body looked in his basketball uniform.

"Ehh....hey !how do you know that?" She shouted at him.

"I have to go now bye"he ran away in a instant.
"Shin we are here" Yasu opened the door like he owned Shin's house.

"I think they are in Shin's room" Sora pointed.

"I  know stupid girl,I know my friend's house" Yasu spat back.

Sora frowned "Gosh".

Yasu opened the door to Shin's room and there was Shin sitting on a chair.Nanami who started playing a casio and Ran singing

"Yasu you look the sun in my life,so shinning and bright.
You play like a champion,and heart of lion.
You are cuter than a minion.
Lets go out ,be my companion .

Lalalala Yasu lalala Yasu".

Shin clapped happily.

Yasu frozed "what the .."

"Worst proposal song"Aven chuckled.

"Yasu Senpai will be my boyfriend?" Ran blushed.

"Errr ..what?" Yasu stood nervous.

"Say yes Yasu,we could double date" Shin advised happily while hugging Nanami.

"See thats guts to propose" Aven whispered to Sora.
"Shut up" Sora replied.

"Uhhhh" Yasu was still in a daze.

"Oh Senpai" Ran hugged Yasu tightly reaching only upto his chest.

*SLAM* Ume opened the door in a an pissed off mood .

Yasu freaked out and separated himself from Ran.

"Why you little pipsqueak,thats the shittest song I have heard" Ume shouted.

"No one invited you to hear that,were you evesdropping?you man feet" Ran shouted back.

They stared at each other angrily,Ume who had to look down and Ran who had to look up at Ume.

The tension in the room got pretty intense and everybody felt the awkward silence.
"I am not a virgin!"  Aven proudly exclaimed and walked out the door.


Walk In Dream: Beautiful DemonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang