Chapter - I

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This story was updated through phone and not PC so the spacing might be tricky.I apologize for that or any mistakes I might have made in gramnar or spellings but please do enjoy reading :).

♥Your likes and comments will always be appreciated♥

#ABA2017   ---------

It was the same nightmare again,Sora woke up soaked in perspiration.She got up from her bed and brushed her teeth, took a short shower  and  went straight to the kitchen where Cami her sister-in-law was preparing breakfast for her.

"Your brother will be back next monday only Sora. His work has been futher extended" Cami explained while laying down Sora's breakfast. "And you better hurry up and get dressed for your class".

Sora Masu was a naive girl. Pretty in appearance with her wavy auburn coloured hair, hazel eyes and her innocence that stirred admirations.

Sora sighed and murmured "Brother is always away".

She ate her breakfast  hurriedly and went up to her room and put on her dark blue school uniform, letting her hair loose. Her auburn hair naturally falling into soft curls at the end.

She waved Cami goodbye and headed to her school not wanting to be late like always.
She sat on her seat and listened to Ran talked about herself. Ran Saito her bestfriend was a short and tiny girl who was basically obessesed with herself.

Sora was not the only one listening to Ran's yapping even their friend Nanami Mori who was seated next to them had to endure Ran's self evalution.Nanami was beautiful,quiet and seemed liked she knew everything about every one,the perfect 'Gossip Queen'.

Sora's attention then went towards Ayumu Aven,who sat beside the window- The perfect guy,his blue eyes, raven hair, his tall frame-'The male version of Snowwhite' as Sora nicknamed him.

She remembered the first time she saw him-it  was two weeks back.The first time he entered the class, the teacher introuced him.The girls were in awe of his appearance while Sora got lost in his eyes.She had never seen someone with such beautiful blue eyes yet those eyes implied emptiness and hatred.Her instinct and intuition just told her there was something evil about him.

"Stop looking at Aven,he is noooott interested in you Sora" Ran proclaimed in a annoyed voice.Sora blushed and protested "I was not looking at him,I was looking outside the window".

"Not intrested"Ran replied .

Then Nanami entered the conversattion "He is from Russia and lives alone in a mansion. Weird is'nt it?" Like the perfect gossip queen she knew everything. Sometimes Sora wondered if Nanami was a professional spy.

"Sora why don't you give him a visit then" Ran said with a cheeky smile.

Sora annoyed,leaned her head on her desk and murmured 'Why me' .

Ran then exclaimed "Yasu is here! He looks more dashing today".

Yasu Abe the star of their school, who excelled in everything he did.Yasu with his blonde hair that was almost too bright like the rays of the sun , entered the class with his shadow like friend Shin Maede,who immediately rushed to Nanami's side and complimented her on how beautiful she was.

Sora whispered to Ran" if they ever, like ever date eachother it will be like the beauty and the beast".

Whereas Yasu walked towards Aven and with the most arrogant attidude said "I always get annoyed seeing your face Mr.Aven".

Aven calmly replied "whatever you say goldilocks".

Yasu enraged by that comment uttered "Why you...." .

Just then before he could complete his sentence Ume Aoki with her calm and deep voice broke in "Leave him alone Yasu".

Ume Aoki the female star of their school,was the most beautiful girl in their school,she had dark curly hair,grey eyes and she was like 5'10,a living image of a Greek goddess.

Sora sometimes wondered if Yasu,Aven and Ume were aliens from outer space.Yasu headed to his bench."Do you think they are dating?" Ran inquired.

"Obviously they are together,they are so perfect.It would make sense" Sora grinned .

"I wish Yasu or Aven was my boyfriend" Ran expressed hopefully .

Sora and Nanami imagined the image of Ran standing next to Yasu or Aven,the image clearly depicted a father standing next to a daughter.

The class ended, Sora and Ran slowly walked home and as usual Ran kept yapping something,while Sora thoughts were preoccupied with Aven.Sora was not in love with Aven infact she was terrified of him because from the first day she saw him,her nightmares started  and for the last two weeks she had the same dream-Ayumu Aven covered in blood,standing around decapitated human bodies.

After the day had passed and night fell,Sora went to bed.After some hours she woke up,looked at the clock  it was 2'0 clock.Sora felt the urge to drink some water so she went to the kitchen,took her one and only 'angry birds' water bottle from the fridge.

Just then she heard a sound, almost like a snarl (a human snarl).She slowly went outside,placed her bottle on their verandah bench and took a few steps ahead of their yard.

Just then she saw Aven covered in blood and another man laid on the ground gasping reaching out his arm to her  in desperate'ness.

She was shell shocked,she froze.Aven slowly walked towards her.He had a evil smile on his face and his eyes were not blue it was red as the fires of hell.He slowly came close enough to Sora,he then slowly whisphered in her ears

"Its just a dream So----ra".

She opened her eyes,she was in her bed,it was 7'0 am. "Another nightmare? It can't be,it was too real".

She ran towards the spot where the man laid "Blood! Where is the blood?"

The streets were clean leaving Sora confused.But as she was walking back she was shocked to see her angry birds bottle that she left behind.She picked it up and held it against her chest "It was'nt a dream.....Ayumu Aven is a demon" she mused.

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