Chapter 5

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Sorry for the short chapter. I've been busy lately so, I couldn't upload a longer chapter. But what matters is I uploaded on time, right? Enjoy and please vote, comment and share when you're done


Taylor's house


"Where did I end?" Alexis asked

"You were telling me about how he was holding you and all that" Taylor  reminded her

"Oh yes! He held me so tight, it was AWESOME!" She said dreamingly. If it were possible, Taylor could see heart signs in her eyes. Lucky for her, she wasn't a cartoon character

"Wow! I wish I was there, sounds amazing" She said as she layed on her bed

"Girl, you have not heard nothing yet! After that warm cuddle, he looked into my eyes and-"

"You KISSED!" She shouted as she quickly rose up to face Alexis

"Yep, it was...." She  paused with a huge grin on her face "I don't even know how to describe it"

"You are one lucky girl, I didn't know Santo was this sweet" Taylor said

"I am going over to his house later" Alexis said as she  looked at her watch "Well, I better get going" She said as Taylor walked her out

She went home and changed into something nice. She tied her hair into a messy bun and put on a Hello Kitty outfit then went to Santo's house

Santo's house


"Hey babe" He said as he hugged her

"Hey boo" She greeted back as they made their way to the lounge

"I want you to meet my best friend, Britney" He said as they sat down on one of the couches

"Yeah, that's right. I've known him since we were kids" Britney announced. Then she leaned in closer to Alexia and whispered, "I know EVERYTHING about him" She said in a rather intimidating voice. Alexis didn't like her from that moment

"O-okay... Nice to meet you, Britney" Alexis said. "Anyways, what will we do? Watch a movie or what?" She continued

"I don't know, Alexia. What do yo-" Before Santo could finish, he was cut off by Britney

"Oh, I know. We can watch 'Why Her?', your favourite movie" Britney said, giving Alexis the 'I-Know-It-All' look

"Let's watch 'About Last Night', it's nice. So yeah, let us watch it" Santo suggested

"Nah, we can watch what Britney wants. She's your best friend after all" Alexis said sadly then she noticed Britney giving her an evil smirk

'I don't think I like this girl. She acts all nasty and she gives me the evil smiles. If I didn't know better, I'd say she's crushing on Santo. But you know what they say, "Don't judge someone before you get to know them". Maybe she has had a bad day, that's all' Alexia thought

They rented the movie and ordered pizza. They then sat on the couch and watched the movie. They were sitting in this order: Alexis-Santo-Britney. Santo was in the middle and Alexis did not like this because she thought that Britney might start acting all funny around Santo but they continued watching the movie until Santo's phone started ringing. He went upstairs then Britney started moving close to Alexis and giving her an evil glare

"W-what ar-e you do-doing?" Alexis stuttered

"Listen here Man Stealer"

'Woah, did she just call me a 'Man Stealer?' Excuse me, the last time I checked, he was single. So please...'

"Leave Santo alone. He's mine not yours. So, I warn you, LEAVE HIM ALONE or else-"

"Or else what?" She cut her off with her forced intimidating voice. She was really scaring her, Britney was really a she-devil

"I will hurt your precious friend,Taylor. You don't know me and I'm sure you really don't want to see the real me in action" She threatened her. Before Alexis could say anything, Santo then came downstairs to join them

"Is everything alright?" He asked with concern and sincerity in his voice

"Everything is alright, right Alexia?" She asked as she moved to her seat and shot Alexis a deadly glare.

'If looks could kill, I would be on the floor right now' Alexis thought worriedly

"Uh, Uhm, Yeah! Everything is great!!" Alexis lied

"Cool, that's good" He said as he sat down

"I gotta go, there is something I just remembered to do" Alexis said as she stood up

"But you just got here, what is wrong?" He asked

"Yeah, the movie was getting interesting" The Witch said... Yeah, that's her new nickname

"Nothing's wrong. I guess we will meet on Monday. Bye Santo" She said as she walked to the door

"Bye!" The Witch said

'I said bye to Santo, not you... Geez' Alexis thought angrily

"I'll walk you out" He offered. They walked out, he closed the door then turned to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked her. He looked so worried, If only he knew that he had a witch for a best friend

"Santo, I'm fine. Don't worry about me, okay?" She assured him


"I promise. I gotta go now" Alexis said as she started walking. His house wasn't too far away from hers, just three streets away

"What? No hug, kiss, nothing?" He asked

She laughed and gave him a small peck on the lips, she wasn't used to all this boyfriend-girlfriend thing, so it felt a bit awkward for her

"Is that the best you can do?" He teased

Before she could say anything, he pulled her into the most wonderful kiss she had ever had. His lips were very soft. She reluctantly pulled away, before things could go to far, if you know what I mean ;-). She was smiling and blushing and dang! Now that was one hell of a kiss!


What did you think of it? I hope it was good :-)

Mindlessly Purrfect

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