Chapter 1

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Dedicated to Swagbae21. I really appreciate the time you took to read and vote :-)

Alexis' house


'Geez, now I have to school A.K.A HELL! Why do I have to be the one going through this? Life is just so unfair' Alexis thought as she got out of bed and hopped into the warm, soothing and relaxing shower

Minutes Later

After the shower, she went to her closet and picked out an outfit. She wore a pinkish-peach sweater with big words in black written "Nerd" at the front, black jeans and a pair of pink converse. She straightened and untangled her curly black hair. She then started with her make up; nothing too much, just simple and natural. While she was busy with her makeup and hair, she heard her mom yelling, "Hurry up, Lexi. You're going to be late" from the kitchen downstairs and with that she quickly replied with a "Yes mom,just a few more minutes" while adding finishing touches to her hair.

5 minutes later

"What took you so long?" Her mom, Lucy asked

"I was applying makeup" She answered while chewing down the delicious breakfast her  mom had prepared.

"You don't need make up, you're perfect as you are" Lucy assured her.. That's why she loved her mom, she always seemed to cheer her up when she was not at her best.

"Really?" Alexis asked, feeling a bit confident after what Lucy had said to her

"Yeah. Now finish up, you don't want to be late for school" Lucy said as Alexis finished her last bit of bacon and put her plate in the sink

30 Minutes later

School parking lot

"Bye Alexis. See you later and enjoy your day!"  Lucy said happily as she drove away

'Lets hope I will enjoy this day. I'm praying that the meanies won't pick on me today...'  Alexis thought

When she was about to go inside, she saw Craig and Taylor run to her

"Hey, hey, hey!" Craig said in his usual joy filled voice

"Hey girl, what's up?" Her best friend Taylor greeted her with a smile

"Same old, same old. How are you guys?" She said

"Fabutastic!" (Fabulous and Fantastic) Craig and Taylor replied at the same time, then looked at each other and laughed.  She then joined them

"That's great!" She replied cheerfully. Those two buddies of hers sure did know to revive her mood

School bell rings

"Here we go. Let's hope we won't meet Ray and his crew in the hallway" Alexis said felling a bit tensed up by the thought of them bullying her. You see, Rayan, also known as Ray Ray and his "friends" always bullied Alexis since the 8th grade, now she was in the 10th.


At that time she was alone. Taylor and Craig weren't with her. So, she was walking down the hallway where she met Ray and his crew. At that time, Prince and Santo hadn't joined yet, she wondered what made them join. Perhaps they wanted popularity... The group consisted of Ray, Tristin, Jaden, Brandon and a few guys too

"Alexis, I see you finally brought your ass to school" Ray said which caused his friends to laugh

"Just leave me alone, I'm late for class" Alexis said trying to walk past them

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