Chapter 8

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Alexis' house

Friday Morning


Alexis woke up early because she wanted to clean the house. She went to Taylor's room because she wanted her to help with the cleaning, when she opened the door, she saw the shock of her life. SHE SAW TAYLOR AND JAY CUDDLED IN BED!!

"Jay, Taylor?!" Alexis asked in disbelief

"What?" Taylor replied in a bored and sleppy tone

"Yeah, man? We were still enjoying each other's company" Jay said

She gave him the 'Are-You-For-Real' look

"I wanted Taylor to help me with the cleaning, but since you're 'still enjoying each other's company', I will leave you two alone"

Alexis got out of the room, then she heard Taylor calling after her

"Wait!" Taylor called after her

"Yeah?" Alexis stopped

"Wait for me, I'll be back"

Taylor went to get dressed then they went outside to talk

"I am so happy that I finally have Jay, I love him so much" Taylor squealed

"That's great" Alexis congratulated "I am happy for you and all, but you got to get your man dressed and chase him out of here"

"But what about round 2?" Taylor asked with a hopeful look in her eye

"Goddamn No!! You're both nasty" Alexis chuckled "Get him out of here, we need this place clean before everyone arrives, and that will be at 5PM"

After some few minutes, Taylor finally got rid of Jay (although he didn't want to go). The both of them (Alexis and Taylor) then did their hygiene. They called some friends over to help with the decorations. Chloe took Taylor to her house to do her makeup and dress her up.

Chloe's house

"I can't believe I'm finally 16!" Taylor clapped excitedly "This will be the best birthday ever" She said with a huge smile on her face

"I know" Chloe agreed "Sweet 16s rock"

After four hours Taylor was ready and set for her party. Alexis and her other friends were already done with the decorations and waiting for Taylor and Chloe to enter the house. When Chloe opened the door, it was dark

"Ah no. Don't tell me that the power's cut, on MY birthday!" Taylor said sadly

As soon as Taylor said that, Alexis turned on the lights and everyone came from their hiding places

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TAYLOR!" Everybody chorused at once

"OH MY GOSH!" Taylor said nearly with tears threating to fall out of her teary eyed eyes "You did all that for me? I thought it was going to be something simple"

"We don't do simple, you know us. Happy birthday, bestie" Alexis said with a grin

"Thanks, girl" Taylor said with gratitude as she hugged Alexis

"Enough with the thanking, let us get this party started!" Chloe said while dragging Taylor to the middle of the crowd where people were dancing

"Wooooo!" Alexis exclaimed

"Yeah, turn it up! We need to turn this whole house upside down" Taylor said

Jay then came in carrying roses and a gift

"Hey Alexis, is Taylor here yet? I brought something for her" Jay asked

"Come on in, she's over there enjoying her special day" Alexis welcomed him in

"I will help her enjoy it more" Jay said

"How so?" Alexis enquired, although she knew the answer already

"You know what I mean" Jay said with a smirk

"Nasty ass!" Alexis replied with a laugh

The party went on and on and on. Everybody was enjoying themselves, they danced, got drunk, kissed peeps they didn't  even know, some even did the FREAKY! The party ended in a very nice way and as expected, Taylor had the best sweet 16

Saturday Morning
Alexis' room

'I woke up, with a very massive headache and a hangover. When I turned to my side, I saw some guy sleeping in my bed! The first thing that came to my mind was: Why he was in my bed, how he got there and who he was, so I decided to wake him up' Alexis panicked as she waked the stranger

"Wake up! Wake up!" Alexis shaked the stranger with panic in her voice

"Girl, what are you doing? A guy is trying to sleep here" The stranger said in a sleepy voice

"Who are you? Why are you in MY bed and how did you get here?" Alexis bombarded him with questions

"Calm down, don't you remember me?" He asked?

"If I had remebered you I wouldn't have asked" Alexis said with sarcasim

"Well then, 'Ms Sarcastic' let me refresh your memory"


Alexis says something unclear and almost falls

"Whoa" He said while catching her "Looks like someone needs to slow down on the booze and sit down"

"No, I'd rather us  go to my room and have some fun, it's upstairs" She said

"Okay" He said as he lifted her up bridal style and took her to her room

"Then one thing led to another and we, you know..." His tone faded as he smiled to look at the ceiling with last night's memory

Woah, what do you think of that? Alexis slept with a guy she doesn't even know. That's hectic.

What would you do if you were in Alexis' situation?
Comment your answer!


Mindlessly Purrfect

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