Orange Roses

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Orange roses

Jim and I sped down the road, his hands gripping tight to the steering wheel. "We will be fine." I said putting a hand on his arm. He shrugged it off and continued to glare at the road. I sighed and sat back trying to not think about Antonio.

He scared me more than I have felt in years. That fear that I once knew was somewhere locked deep inside me untouched. I refused to let it surface, I will help protect my people... My friends.

When we pulled into the drive Jim relaxed, his grip loosened and he even began to drive with one hand. I smiled hoping to not see that angry side of him again.

We parked the car and slipped into the house. The girls and Sam were sitting in the living room. I could hear Jimmy's voice through the open window. "Go get Tammy and Nick." I told Jim. He nodded and turned heading for the massive laundry room in the basement. "Sam." I said stepping in the room. I must have sounded terrible, she gazed at me before telling the girls that she would be right back.

"What's wrong?" she asked leaning in beside me, her voice a sharp whisper.

"We've got a problem." I whispered back before sighing. She nodded and sat between the girls putting an arm around their shoulders. George and Maria cam in hand in hand. I motioned for them to sit while the others slowly walked into the room.

George called Jimmy in through the window. He appeared, filling the small living room with my permenant residents and friends.

I looked around at each face, George and Maria curled up together along with Tammy and Jim in the same position. Nick and Jimmy sitting beside each other looking around the room uncomfortably and Sam and the girls staring at me with sad and worried eyes.

"A very bad vampire has come to town." I said letting out a breath. Everyone gasped. "Brynes thinks he might target us because... Of our house." I said sitting down in the only available seat and large high back chair. "I can't send any of the residents away, if you know anyone who can fight... Who isn't afraid we need their help." Sam stiffened, wrapping her arms tighter around the girls. "It's not safe here anymore." I whispered knowing full well that they would hear me. Not safe. Who would have thought?

They all nodded and headed out to do... Whatever they needed. We were all on edge about this vampire, hoping that he wouldn't find us.

Brynes came in three days after the announcement of Antonio. He wanted to know if I was alright. I nodded, but fear had been gripping my heart. The last few nights no one showed up at the door, and some of the residents had even left. Only 30 some odd people remained in the house. I felt better knowing that many had decided to leave, keeping their distance from the house was their best chance in avoiding Antonio.

Brynes said that he hadn't heard much about Antonio and was hoping that he only passed through. "Doesn't mean we should put our guard down." I said wearily.

"I know, but it does give us some hope. He might not have even considered stopping. Just give it time, maybe he will leave on his own." I nodded but there was a fear deep inside my heart. Part of me knew that he was going to attack not matter how much I hoped he wouldn't.

"Juliet?" Tammy walked by. It was the first time I had seen her alone since I told everyone. She was clearly upset, she hadn't slept since. "Jim went to get his buddies." she said looking down. "I don't know what to do." I knew she didn't want to talk about it. The vampire who turned her was a bad vampire, but she didn't know this vampire. So far the only one who knew him was Brynes and that wasn't much.

"I know Tammy. Why don't we go for a walk or something? Take our minds off of all of this." she nodded and we linked arms and walked out to the maze.

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