Green Roses- Part two

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Here is the next chapter.  

Sorry about the spelling mistakes I'm writing in my phone.


Green Roses- Part 2

Today of all days!

I sighed happily and put down the last bridal magazine. Finally I convinced Maria to have her wedding here, in two weeks to be exact.

I planned a simple and sweet ceremony, very formal ware (long dresses and stuff). And for the reception we would have a masquerade ball. Married couples would have a cretins kind of mask and singles would have another. I tried to convince Maria to have just singles or just couples to wear masks but her and Tammy insisted that we all wear masks.

After our discussion the men showed up. Brines walked in and sat beside me while seven very brawny men stood around the room. Jim introduced his army buddies. I took Brynes to a study and spoke with him about Mark.

"Have you ever heard of something like this?" I asked.

"No I haven't." he replied. "I have heard of almost magical abilities but to actually meet someone to wield those abilities I haven't."

"What do I do then?" I asked.

"Keep it a secret. Don't let any body else know about it, it could put your life in terrible danger... All of the time." I nodded and left the room, Brynes following. We settled into the living room and finished discussing the wedding plans and protection detail.

Jim's friends seemed to be more than willing to help. Jim was proudly watching as each of them got involved with us, speaking about target areas and likely targets, and areas that would hold the most people especially for the wedding.

"So who would these vampires most likely go after?" one of them asked me. Every face turned to me.

"I think Jewels." Tammy said. "She is technically the master of the house. It they were to attack then they would go after her." the room nodded.

"Alright so where is your ping quarters. If your the target you need 24 h protection." I pointed my room out on the blueprints of the manor.

"I don't thing I will need 24 h protection. Everyone needs to be protected, not just me." I said. Again they nodded. What were these people a bunch of yes men?!?!

"We could have two people portal the hall at all times, especially when there are... What did you call them?"

"Residents." I said looking at the drawings were had scribbled all over.

"Right. So that way we can keep an eye on all of the residents." I nodded.

"That works for me." I said. We moved on to the other parts of the house and how were would place the men.

They told us tactical advantages of the design of the house and the areas to watch out for. They all really seemed against using the ball room. I disagreed and showed them all of the advantages.

It was an odd conversation working around trying to create a whole defense plan. I was grateful that they didn't try to convince me away from having the wedding. They were actually on my side, that their first wedding should be special, they were confident that they could protect the 30 some people in the mansion.


When everything was decided the girls headed out to buy dresses. George and Nick left in one of the BMW's to get their tux's while we took the only SUV so that all of us could fir (we took the triplets too).

We pulled up to the mall first, walking arm in arm like a bunch of teenagers. I was so excited to look at dresses. We walked into the first major dress shop we came across. It was a big and bright open room, deeded were all assembled on the maniquens showing all the different styles and types. The sales person greeted is with a bright hello and asked what we wanted. I directed them to the tree little goes and asked for flower girl dresses for them. The sales woman smiled again and led the girls away. "Alright Maria go pick out some dresses that you like." I comanded. She nodded happily and headed off to the section marked 'Brides', Sam, Tammy and I moved to the Bridesmaid section and started looking through the dresses.

We all decided that we should have different dresses, because of the ball at the end of the night. I picked out several dresses in my size, kind if just grabbing as many as I could, which I noticed Sam and Tammy were doing.

"I think I have enough what about you too?" I asked, my bundle of dresses weighing down my arms.

"Yep!" They said in unison. I smiled and we moved to the back of the store where the change rooms were, Maria and the girls were already there. we smiled and took our shoes off and went into the change rooms.

First we decided to find the girls dresses. They all looked pretty much the same, so they each got a different color. One in pale blue, one in pale pink and the last one in pale yellow. Maria was so excited she danced around so we decidedto do her gown last, just to make her wait longer.

Sam was the next to go. She came out wearing a big poofy blue dress she stood in front of the mirror a ling time before turning to us. "I feel like I should start singing to mice." she said making us all burst out laughing.

That dess was a no. So next she came out with a light cream dress. It was strapless, and had a flowering beaded pattern in the top before it fell to the floor in thick rolling ruffles. My smile widened with pleasure. "Sam that ones perfect!" I called happily. It hugged her curves nicely at the top and didn't puff out too much at the bottom. The color matched her pale skin tone. Sam looked in the mirror before her grin matched mine.

"Okay Tammy next!" Maria and I squealed she nodded and jumped up heading into her change room taking a bright red dress with her.

Tammy skipped out wearing a bright red dress that was only slightly puffy, but smooth all the way down. The top was cross section like a Greek goddess dress it sectioned off her chest but the color brought out the bright blue of her eyes and the style fit her like she was Aphrodite herself. She insisted that that was the one she liked the best. So we p it that one with Sam's cream one. I grabbed my pile of dresses and slipped into the change room and pulled out the first dress. My breath caught as I stared at it.

The fabric was smooth silk, the color was bright white. The iridescent beads on the front made a flower pattern similar to Sam's, this dress had a different style to it though. I sighed sadly and pulled my clothes off.

Memories attacked me at full force, I had to fight my very being to keep from crying. But the warm memories of my past continued to haunt me.

I managed to make it out of the little room without shedding a tear.

Playfully Tammy scolded me. "Jewels your not getting married, Maria is!" the girls laughed with her, I managed a weak smile that Maria noticed.  

She stood up and stepped beside me. "If you want that one you can get it, I don't mind." I shook my head. If I spoke now the tears would fall. I stepped into the change room again ant pulled on a shiny green dress that had ruffles and a plain top. I checked the mirror before stepping out feeling a little better.

We all agreed on this dress, but Maria told me to buy the white one as well.

Maria came out with a simple white dress on that didn't ruffle or have rows of beading or extra fold of fabric.

It had a black ribbon that tied just under her cues and went around to her back. She came out blushing, a shy grin on her face. As plain and simple as the dress was it was perfect. It fit her slender figure perfectly, it had a nice short train. I couldn't get over how perfect it looked on her.

She decided on that one, but we all tried in the dresses before paying firth ones we found nits not like we had to worry about losing or gaining weight, so the ones we had in our bass were the ones we would wear to the wedding. The guys met up with is at the food court and we made our way back to the vehicles. Everyone had their outfits. It was on to the next step of the wedding.

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