Raphaël Varane - Baby Bump

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You woke up to a hand rubbing over your stomach, softly running back and forth over the ever-growing bump you had. You smiled, the motion putting you at ease and relieving some of the soreness you had because of your skin stretching that much in a relatively short period of time. Your husband had been so attentive to your needs during your pregnancy, especially now that you were beginning to show, and you had some cramps because of your organs being squashed by the baby that was growing inside you. Not that you minded it, of course, but it could be a little annoying when you had a conversation with someone and suddenly you had to run away to the bathroom with your hand between your legs because your baby had decided to kick your bladder. Yeah, that had been embarrassing.

You hummed in happiness when Raphaël started pressing soft little kisses to your shoulder, slowly making his way up your neck and towards the spot he knew always made you weak in the knees. Good thing you were already laying down.

"Good morning," Raphaël smiled against your neck when he noticed you were awake, pressing a kiss to the place just beneath your ear. You were surprised he was already up, considering he had to run in the middle of the night to a store to get you some pickles and dried onions. You weren't sure where exactly he had found a store that was open that late which sold the specific kind of pickles you liked, and you weren't sure you wanted to know. You were just grateful he did.

"Hi," You smiled, puckering your lips in silent demand of a decent good morning kiss. Instead of kissing you, however, your husband put his hand over your mouth and then kissed his hand, right above your mouth. You raised your eyebrow questioningly, curious as to why he'd refused to give you a good morning kiss.

"As much as I love you, and I do," he assured, taking his hand off your mouth and kissing your cheek instead, "your breath smells of unions and pickles, not the best combination. I'm not kissing you until you brush your teeth."

You grumbled, sitting up in the bed with some difficulty and with some help of your husband, who put his hand on your back to support you. Putting your feet on the ground, you stood up and shuffled over to the bathroom, intent on brushing your teeth and then crawling back into bed so your husband could properly kiss you.

"Cock block." You threw at him, just for good measure. He deserved to know what he did to you. First getting you all worked up by those sweet little kisses and then eventually not even wanting to properly kiss you. He'd pay for that later.

Raphaël laughed, falling back on his side of the bed and throwing his head back into the pillow with laughter, one of his arms coming up to cover his eyes. Looking behind you towards where he was laying on the bed, you bit your lip and supressed a sigh. You really loved the way your husband looked in the morning and you absolutely adored the sound of his voice in the morning. That was probably why you got pregnant in the first place. It was very hard for you to keep your hands to yourself so early on in the day, when there was an incredibly hot husband who shared your bed.

You were lucky to have your husband, however. He'd been infinitely patient with you. You had crazy mood swings, often going from crying over the smallest thing to getting irritated with him really quickly. He always got what you needed, whether that was an extra pillow from the bedroom, a foot massage or pickles at two in the morning from a night shop across town. You often felt guilty whenever you asked him to go get some, but he insisted on attending to your needs and he always left to go get what you had asked for, even if it was with a bit of grumbling and mumbling between his teeth. And when you weren't being overwhelmed by hormones and emotions, you understood where he was coming from, of course. He often came home relatively late from training, after which he'd be absolutely knackered, and then he had a hormonal wife to take care of when he got home. And he preferred to get up early in the morning to go on a run, although that habit had certainly lessened when you started getting your cravings and the morning sickness.

Oh god, the morning sickness. You absolutely hated that. You normally had a very good immune system so under normal circumstances, you didn't get sick a lot. Well that was until you got pregnant, of course. Until about a week ago, you had morning sickness nearly every morning. That certainly ruled out any morning sex that might have happened otherwise. You were glad you were finally rid of it.

As you were brushing your teeth, you noticed Raphaël approaching you from behind in the mirror. He wrapped his arms around you, one hand caressing the underside of your bump whilst the other one rested on it. He then pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder, rubbing his thumb gently back and forth across the skin of your belly. You had taken to not wearing any clothes to bed because wearing a shirt irritated your sensitive breasts and it didn't make any sense to put on pyjama pants when you weren't wearing a shirt. Raphaël loved the new habit you had picked up and you were fairly sure that he was hoping that it would continue even after your daughter was born.

"How are my two favourite ladies in the world?"

"Hungry." You mumbled through the toothpaste in your mouth, bending over to spit it out and simultaneously pushing your butt closer to his crotch, making him tense up behind you. You smirked a little when you felt little Varane - and you did not mean your baby- perk up. That would serve him right.

"I'll make something when we're done here," Raphaël whispered in your ear seductively, the hand that was on the bottom of your bump slowly moving lower and lower. You were almost tempted to give in, the urge to having sex with your husband almost overpowering the desire to take revenge. Almost.

"Nah. I think I'll have something right now." You said, smirking at him in the mirror as he straightened up and narrowed his eyes at you. He took his hands off your body, albeit a bit reluctantly, and moved to the side as you turned around to leave the bathroom. When you walked past him, you made sure that your hand 'accidentally' brushed against his crotch and you giggled when he smacked your hand away.

"Who's the cock block now?" He called after you, grumbling to himself as you walked away, and you couldn't help but laugh when you heard the shower turn on in the bathroom, knowing that he'd need a cold shower if he wanted to get out of the house any time soon.

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