Neymar Junior - Criticism

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Sorry for disappearing, guys. I've been busy with deadlines and exams. This is dedicated to Shannon1300 because she asked me for a Neymar one shot, and so she shall receive :)


I pursed my lips, my eyes scanning over the words that were posted online on twitter and not liking what I saw. There were many different tweets, the majority of which hate-filled messages towards me, but the general message was the same. This time it was about how we were too young to commit ourselves like this and that we were making a grave mistake. The cause of the recent criticism was the fact that Neymar proposed to me a few days ago and someone had spotted the engagement ring on my hand. That led to us being judged for getting married at 21 years old - well I was 21, Ney was 22. But they didn't take into account how long we'd been together. We had begun dating when I was 16 and in the five years that we'd been together, everything had been great. There was no unnecessary drama, which was exactly how we both liked it, so to see people judge our relationship like that hurt a little bit. They didn't know anything about us. They didn't know about the nights where we stayed up, talking the entire night about the little things in life and about the future. They didn't know about the many laughs we shared whenever we were together. They didn't know about how I fell in love with him a little more each day, which I didn't even think was possible. They didn't know about how I took care of him after every match, when he came back with bruises littered across his entire body because of the shoves he got when he was on the football pitch. They didn't know about his fears like I did, about his hopes and dreams like I did, about all he went through to get where he was now and the sacrifices he had to make in the process - the sacrifices WE had to make.

I felt myself getting worked up over it. What right did they have to judge our relationship like this? I stewed over these thoughts for a few more minutes before I finally relaxed when I felt two arms snake around my waist and a kiss pressed to my shoulder.

"Good morning, meu amor," I smiled when I heard Ney's morning voice. I loved the husky tone he got when he just woke up.

"Good morning, minha vida." I returned the greeting, locking my phone and turning my head slightly to give him a kiss. He pressed his lips to mine softly and I hummed in contentment. I would never give this up, not for anything in the world. They didn't know about these kind of mornings, where he'd hug me from behind whilst I was cooking breakfast or where he'd insist I sit down allow him to cook. They didn't know about the late calls during the night whenever I was back in Brazil visiting my family and he had to stay in Barcelona because he had a match to play that week. They didn't know about all the times I had to comfort him because THEY broke his heart with all the criticism he got. They didn't know about the all the little things we did to show the other that we loved them, whether it was the roses he sometimes brought home or the fact that I cooked him his favourite meals whenever he had a hard time at training.

When we broke apart, Neymar released his arms from around my waist and instead ran his hands up and down my arms slowly and comfortingly. Again, I sighed in contentment. It was like he automatically knew, time and time again, when I was bothered by something and needed comforting. This was just one of a long, long list of things that made me love him. They didn't know about the random dances he pulled me in sometimes, often ending up with us on the ground, laughing our asses off. They didn't know about the sweet good morning texts he sent whenever he was away for a match. They didn't know about the thoughtful gifts he gave me when it was valentine or my birthday or our anniversary. And sure, there were fights, but they could have easily been called disagreements with how insignificant the majority of them were.

"What's wrong?" He murmured, kissing the side of my face before releasing my arms to lean against the countertop. My fiancé took a few grapes out of the fruit bowl and popped them in his mouth, one at a time.

"Just the media again." Neymar sighed in exasperation and reached for my hand, pulling me closer when I placed my hand in his. He gripped my hips, squeezing them softly, before slowly sliding his hands over to rest on my but. I raised my eyebrow at him and he just grinned innocently in response.

"What're they saying now?"

"The usual. Things I shouldn't be paying any attention to, actually." I admitted, kissing his lips before pushing away from him by placing my hands on his chest.

"Then why are you?" He cocked his head slightly to the side in curiosity and I grinned because whenever he did that, he reminded me a little bit of a cute dog.

"You know me, I can't help it. I'm too curious for my own good." Ney grinned in response, pushing away from the counter and making his way over to the fridge to get something to eat, caressing my hip softly when he passed me.

"That, amor, is an understatement."

And even if they knew about all this, they'd just be jealous and find something else to complain about. 

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