Julian Draxler - Give me a kiss

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She was so glad that she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings that day. Because otherwise, she wouldn't be sitting here on the couch next to her boyfriend, enjoying some quiet time together before going out to celebrate his birthday that night.

They had met back in Germany a few years ago, at a party of a mutual friend. She had let herself go that night, not caring what anybody else thought about her crazy dancing. Because of her enthusiastic dancing, however, she had accidentally bumped into him and they had hit it off straight afterwards, the two of them talking and dancing together for the rest of the night. The night had ended with her giving him her number and the both of them agreeing to go on a date sometime soon. A couple of weeks later, they made their relationship official and here they were, four years later, living together in France and they couldn't be happier.

Sighing in happiness, she tilted her head up from where she was laying on his chest and looked at him. He was staring at the television screen intently, obviously enjoying the movie that she had chosen to put on. It was one of his favourites and she had chosen it specifically because of the occasion.

"Why aren't you watching the movie?" He muttered, softly nudging her in hopes that that would get her to focus on the movie instead of him. He didn't like it when people stared at him and even though he minded it less when she did it, he still got a little bit uncomfortable with it sometimes. Unfortunately, she liked to do it a lot. Especially in the mornings, when she thought he was still asleep and wouldn't notice her staring so he couldn't say anything about it. He always knew when she did it, however. It was like he had a sixth sense or something, just for noticing when people were staring at him. Whenever they stared at him, he always thought he had done something weird or had something on his face or something like that. He just thought there were more interesting things to look at than him. Obviously, his girlfriend thought differently, even though he couldn't understand exactly why.

"I am." She denied, still not taking her eyes off him. He looked really good. He always did. His hair was neatly combed to the side and she wanted nothing more than to run her fingers through it and mess it up again. She loved the look he had in the morning, his hair dishevelled from a good night of sleep or a good night of sex, it didn't matter which one it was. And his lips looked so appealing as well because Julian had the unconscious habit of gently nibbling on it when he was focusing on something, like he was doing now. It drew her attention to them and sometimes she thought that he was doing it on purpose, knowing that she wouldn't be able to think about anything else when he started doing it, but Julian usually liked to use other tactics to try and seduce her, so she knew that he mainly did it subconsciously.

"No, you're not." He said, glancing down at her with an eyebrow raised. She smiled and blinked innocently at him, making him smile as well and roll his eyes.

"I'm just enjoying the view."

"The view," Julian said, gently nudging her cheek so that her face was facing the television once more, "is right there."

"Nah," She said, lifting her hand and poking him in the cheek, "the view I want to see is right here."

"Stop, you're going to make me blush." Julian said, using a very girly voice and laying one of his hands on his cheeks in fake embarrassment, making her giggle in response. It was quiet for a few minutes afterwards, and even though Julian knew she was still looking at him, he tried to focus on the movie. She'd stop eventually. Hopefully. She could be really distracting when she wanted to be. Sometimes, when they were attending important events, she liked to subtly draw his attention to her body -often picking a dress that had a slit on the side, which would draw his attention to her long, gorgeous legs, which she knew was one of his favourite things about her - or she liked to tease him in public by touching him inappropriately when nobody was looking. She was really adventurous when it came to things like that

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