Eden Hazard - Squishy

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Your eyes trailed downwards, your gaze slowly slipping from his shoulders to his muscled back, down the curve of his spine before finally reaching your favourite destination. He was wearing one of his tracksuit bottoms from training, and slippers with socks pulled high over the bottoms of his trousers. One of the shirts you had bought him for Christmas was decorating his torso, and you smiled when you saw him wearing it. He only wanted to wear them at home when the boys weren't home because, to tease him a bit, you had them printed with suggestive comments about his good looks. Eden wasn't normally a blusher, but you distinctly remembered his cheeks flaming up when he had read them. Of course, they hadn't been his real gift, but it had been very much worth it seeing his reaction to them.

"That smells good." You said as you came up behind him, wrapping an arm around his waist and settling your chin on his shoulder, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck whilst doing so. Eden hummed, his eyes not leaving the pan in front of him but his shifted his head slightly to the side to talk to you.

"Did you have a good shower?"

"I did." You mumbled in confirmation, watching as he flipped the steaks he was making. Your hands rested on his stomach, your fingers tracing the muscles there softly through his shirt.

"Stop it, that tickles." Eden scolded, swatting at one of your hands as it grazed a particularly sensitive part of his stomach. You snickered as he did so. Eden had always been ticklish there and it was one of your favourite pastimes to tickle him whenever you could. Fortunately for you, you weren't ticklish at all, or he'd have gotten revenge ten times over for all the times you tortured him like that. Deciding to listen to your husband just this once, your hands moved over to his sides and settled on his waist instead. You saw him glance at you from the corner of his eyes in warning, but you ignored it. Your hands very slowly and slowly sneaked downwards to his ass. Eden shook his head and you could see a grin appear on his face, but he didn't say anything about it. You smiled innocently in response.

"You know, I'd have enjoyed my shower more if you had joined me." You commented slyly, lifting your chin from where it was resting on his chin and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck.

"Yeah, well," Eden cleared his throat as your hands finally reached his bum, just resting on it for the moment, "someone needed to cook us dinner. And I already showered earlier, after training." You hummed in reply, smiling mischievously as you suddenly and firmly grabbed hold of his butt-cheeks. Eden jumped in response and turned his head your way, shaking his head again and saying, "Stop touching my bum."

"Aw, babe. You know I can't help it. It's just too damn squeezable." You emphasised it by squeezing his cheeks again and grinning.

"Well, if you want a butt to squeeze, squeeze your own. Mine is off-limits today." He insisted, nudging me away with his elbow when he went to reach for the salt and pepper. You bit your lip to hold back your smile when he had to stand on the tips of his toes to reach the spices you had placed at the top of the kitchen cupboard on purpose exactly for this reason. Often, when he had to stretch to reach for the spices, his shirt rose up a bit so you got a good look at both his stomach and his butt. You'd take advantage of that opportunity any day. Who could resist such a sight?

"Well, firstly, that's weird. Why would I be squeezing my own butt, huh? And besides, mine isn't nearly as squishy as yours." You emphasised what you were saying by a quick tap on his bum and he quickly moved the pan so it was off the stove before he turned around to face you. He crossed his arms and his face was red and graced with a scowl, but you could see the corners of his lips turned upwards as he held back a smile.

"My butt is NOT squishy."

"Bullocks. That right there," You nodded your head towards his butt, "is the squishiest butt I've ever seen and felt."

His angry facade fell away and he snorted out a laugh, shaking his head as he walked forward towards you.

"You," Eden laughed as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him and pressing his lips to your cheek and then to your forehead, "are the silliest, the funniest, most admirable, most charming and most amazing person I've ever met."

"Oh, stop. Now you're exaggerating." You blushed as he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes holding you captive there.

"Oh, please. You can charm the pants off me any day and we both know it. And I'm not exaggerating." Eden leaned down to brush your lips with his before he reached down and slapped your butt as well, making you yelp at the unexpected gesture. Pecking your lips once more, he pulled away to get some plates out of the cupboard so he could fill them up.

"Now, if you can manage to stop making me blush for five minutes, we can eat, and then you can go back to charming the pants off me again." He continued and you immediately stepped forwards to get your plate out of his hands, putting one hand behind his neck to hold him in place so you could kiss him again for a few seconds.

"Now that's an offer I can't refuse." You mumbled against his lips before you pulled away, walking towards the dining table so you could finish dinner and take your husband upstairs for some well-deserved quality time.

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