"I dont know, everybody just been doing their own thing I guess." She shrugged. "Come on dinners ready."

"Hey." Rolina smiled at us and sat the chicken the table. And sat down.

"Wussup." Me and D said at the same time.

"Hey." Leonardo smiled at her and she smiled and look at me and her smile dropped.

"Girl he don't care." D said and I pulled her hair and she hissed. "Sorry."

"I'm Jay'von the is-"

"Leonardo I know."

"You too know each other?"

"Brothers... same mom same dad." She gasped and momma halts frowned up her face and look at rolina and Calvin just shook his head and started eating."

"Mom I honestly didn't know." She looked at her. "I didn't even know he had a siblings or anything! He never told me."

"I did but you didn't listen because if it's not about you it don't matter."

"You just told me your dad was in jail." Leonardo frowned up his face.

"No my dad is dead. You wasn't never listening huh?" I looked at her Nd she sighed.

"Okay I am sure you wasn't listening everytime."

"No I was because I cared about you and caring about you meant caring about what you care about."

"What my dad's middle?"

"Babe do you mind the conversation?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"I am fine I know you are still healing and going through the aftermath so get it off your chest." She shrugged.

"Rolin lance, right?" I looked at momma halts and she nodded. "What my momma first name."

She just started to cry.

"Its okay. It's over with. Just relax it okay it doesn't matter." I sighed. "Listen this is getting messy as fuck and this is healthy for you or the baby or me and my relationship. If that baby is mine or not I am still gonna love it because it will be apart me no matter what. As far as us I want you to know I have no ill feelings towards you. I have no feelings towards you and I mean that with not disrespect at all. I wish you nothing but the best and I pray that you get in a better space mentally and emotionally. You are a really nice girl when you want to be and I hope you unlock that again."

"Thank you and I wanna apologize to you guys because what I did was really uncalled for and I apologize. I hope you guys can except my apology." She looked at Diyana.

"I accept." Diyana smiled at her.

"I accept."

"Thank you."

"Where is Samia and them I thought everybody would be here." She sighed.

"I kinda mmm did something really bad." She sighed. "As we all know I have not been the nicest pregnant lady." She laughed softly.

"Well whatever it is she will get over she really loves you." D shrugged.

"Yeah." She sighed. "Anyway and also to you Leo I wanna apologize to you for bringing you into this situation. I should have been more careful with you and took everyone into consideration. I should've thought about how this would have affected everyone and not just myself." Momma Halts nodded.

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