(41) fighting

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"screw you, kenzie"

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"screw you, kenzie"

"So when do we get to meet this girlfriend of yours Nate?" Their mother asked in a teasing tone as they all sat in the kitchen. Kenzie sighed as she leaned her head on her hand. She looked over at Luis, who was sitting next to her at the table doing homework, and gave him an annoyed look.

"Well she is coming to the Halloween party with us so you will meet her in four days," Nate said happily as he closed one of his books and began putting all of the books back into his bag. "I'm actually going over her house tonight if that's okay."

"Yeah, go ahead," Their father said with a smile as he leaned against the counter. "Just be safe."

Nate nodded his head quickly and threw his bag over his shoulder before running up the stairs. Kenzie turned to look at her brother and his girlfriend.

"Since when was Lola going with us to the party?" Grayson whispered to his sister. Kenzie sighed and shrugged her shoulders. Rick Riley was throwing a huge Halloween party and the entire ducks team would be going. The only people outside of the team that they invited was Nadia, Mikey, and Brooklyn but it looked like Lola would be attending as well.

"This is going to be a mess," Nadia sighed with annoyance, making everyone nod in agreement.

"Unless she just sticks with Nate all night," Luis suggested. "Maybe she won't even bother us."

"I highly doubt it," Kenzie mumbles just as Nate comes running back down the steps. He had a bright smile plastered on his face as he came rushing into the kitchen to grab his phone.

"How are you getting there?" Their mother questioned as he practically ran out of the kitchen. He stopped and turned around, bouncing on his feet with a smile.

"I was going to walk," Nate said which caused their mother to give him a disapproving look. "I promise I'll be fine. Her house isn't that far."

Their mother sighed deeply at Nate's pleading look. Their parents haven't been happy with the idea of them going places alone with Nate's father still out there. They all understood and usually never leave without someone. Kenzie nudged Luis and he looked over at her and nodded.

"Luis can give you a ride," Kenzie said, making Nate's face light up. "We have to go to the Halloween store for our costumes but we have to pick up Charlie and Em from his house first."

Nate rushed over and hugged Kenzie's body tightly, "Thanks, Kenz."

He then moved onto Luis and hugged him around his next, "Thanks, Luis."

Luis laughed as he nodded his head. Kenzie smiled, attempting to cover up the uneasiness she felt about her best friend's girlfriend. Luis and Kenzie closed their books and shoved them into their bags before standing up.

"Be safe, guys," Their mother said. Kenzie smiled and hugged both of her parents.

"We always are," Kenzie replied with a wink. She walked over to the table and hugged her brother and Nadia before grabbing Luis' hand and following Nate out of the front door.

Kenzie walked closer to Luis, her body already shivering from the cold. Nate was practically jumping as he waited for Luis to unlock the car. Once he did, he jumped into the back seat.

"This should be interesting," She whispered to Luis, making him laugh slightly.

"You won't have to see her, love," He whispered in her ear as he opened the door for her. She smiled and leaned up and kissed his cheek before sliding into the seat. Luis rushed over to the driver's side and got right into the car.

"Here put her address in," Luis said as he handed Nate his phone. Nate took it and started typing away. Luis pulled out of the driveway and started driving in the direction of Charlie's house.

Charlie lived really close to the Palmers, thankfully. Kenzie was happy that it was only going to be a five minute car ride before more people were in the car. She knew it was horrible of her but she knew how awkward and dry she would be if Nate tried to talk to her about Lola.

He was her best friend yet she couldn't even speak to him. She knew Lola was not right for him and she knew how mad he would be if she told him that. She knew she didn't have a chance at winning that argument so she never bothered speaking about it.

After a few moments, Luis pulled up to Charlie's house. Charlie and Em came running down his driveway holding hands and screaming on the top of their lungs. Kenzie laughed loudly as she rolled down the window.

"Get in, losers! We're going shopping!" She yelled out, causing the couple to scream a little louder before they were getting into the car.

"I am so excited for Halloween!" Charlie said from the back seat as Luis began driving again. "Em actually had a good idea for a costume."

Em scoffed as she slapped his arm, "Shut up!"

Everyone laughed as they started talking about something else. Kenzie didn't bother joining in on the conversations. She just stared out the window, watching her town go by.

She would occasionally hear things from their conversations but she tried to tune most of it out. She knew she seemed a bit overdramatic but she just didn't have a good feeling about this new girlfriend and that feeling wasn't completely based off of what she said about Luis, it was deeper than that.

"Are you mad at me or something?" Kenzie heard as she continued to stare out the window. The entire car went silent and she knew the question was directed at her. She turned around slightly.

"I'm not mad at you, Nate," She said calmly but by the look on Nate's face, she knew she wouldn't remain calm for long. He didn't look impressed by her answer, in fact he looked angrier than he sounded.

"Than how come you have barely said anything to me since last night?" He asked her, his voice slightly rising. "What? Are you jealous?"

"Nate, trust me I'm not-"

"That's what it is," Nate completely cut her off. "You're jealous and for what? I was always happy for you when you were with Ryan and now with Luis. I even helped you out of the shitty situation with Grayson because you fell for someone else while you had a boyfriend!"

"I'm not jealous, Nate!" She screamed, making everyone look at her in shock. "She's not right for you. I want nothing more than for you to be happy but you're not going to find happiness with someone like her!"

"You don't even know her!" He screamed back. "You meet my girlfriend once and you think you can control my love life?"

"And how well do you really know her?" Kenzie asked, her voice slightly lowering. "Did you know how rude she was to me last night? Or did you know she called my boyfriend cute right to my face?"

Nate's face went red with anger as he stared at Kenzie, "Bullshit! Why can't you just be happy for me. You always have a boyfriend to even just someone who loves you but I never do! I thought you of all people understood that!"

"Nate-" Kenzie tried to say but was cut off by the car stopping out front of a house.

He shook his head at her as he opened the door, "Screw you, Kenzie."


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