* * *

For a moment, there seemed to be nothing or anyone but herself. The headspace she'd travelled too was for meditation. To centre her breaths, to calm her raging anger because if she didn't Raye knew she would've walked in there like the madwoman she was known to be, shooting bullets for bodies to catch. But she wasn't on that level of impulsion anymore, she couldn't do it even if she wanted too. She simply sat there, calmed breaths and praying to the big man himself

Raye went to god, not for her but for her love. She made a bargain with the supreme being who was told that dwells in the sky. The omniscient force of the universe who saw all there is and was to happen. She brokered with the force, asking him to take her life instead of Brienna's if anything went down. She asked him to keep the girl safe if he did indeed decide to gamble with their lives. She asked him to make sure that her girl and her family would be able to move on from this without hatred in their hearts for her. She particularly asked him to make her death quick if it were to happen that day.

Opening her warm pools of honey, Raye fixed her thoughts. She set her mind to one thing and one thing only. Getting out of her car, she tucks her gun into the back of clothes. Her black jacket had concealed the weapon but she knew that wasn't going to stop it from being taken from her.

The trunk to her black ride was popped open and the girl grabbed the rustic coloured duffle bag filled with cash. The muscles in her arm bulged when she slung the bag over her shoulder, slamming the hood down and starting her journey into one of the devil's many layers.

She'd crossed the street, her long legs taking her to the front of the club. A grimace was already evident on her face but it increases the moment she was greeted by a bald man. The man smirked when he saw her, grabbing her by the shoulder firmly and she hissed.

"Fottuto idiota!"

The bald man merely chuckles, pushing her into a small corner, patting his rough hands against her body to locate any concealed weapons.

He found the gun and confiscated it. He tried to take the money but she was adamant to hold onto it. "Touch the bag and I swear you'll never take another shit again in your life."

He seemed amused that the girl was being rude even without the presence of her weapon. The man almost wanted to commend her on such bravery, instead, he steps back, eyeing her up and down.

"Boss is this way," he nods signalling for Raye to follow him. She hesitated but figured he wasn't going to be the one to kill her if the board shifted. So far, she had nothing to fear.

All the way into the back where it got darker, the girl followed until she walked through a door that the man opened for her. He didn't come inside, but she knew he would be listening and waiting for the slightest hint of a scuffle so he could intervene.

The scene that greeted Raye when she stepped foot into the small room was Quinn leaning over a couch's arm assumably talking to a very rigid Brie. The man was the first to snap his gaze to her and when he did, he grinned and it was as sharp as the edge of a blade, his somewhat crooked teeth exposed. He stood up.

When Brienna saw her the girl shot up from the couch with such zeal she'd never seen before. The girl's breathing quickened, she sighed maybe from both relief and fear but Raye knew she was happy to have seen her.

"Raye," Brie's voice trembled and she seemed to be on the verge of tears. Moments before she was fine, although nervous. She wondered for hours when her fiance was going to come but now her question was finally answered and she was overjoyed.

The excitement to see Raye after so many days caused her to start moving towards the girl, but before she even made it too far away from the couch, Quinn pushed his hand out and immediately she stopped. The smile on Brie's face faltered, the light in her eyes vanished and at the sight of the overly noticeable change in her demeanour, Raye stepped further into the room, gritting her teeth at the big man.

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