Chapter 5

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Dean slept dreamlessly but contently. He felt himself wrapped in warmth and protection, although he wasn't sure himself where it came from.

He abruptly woke early the next morning to a still darkened room. He glanced at the alarm clock and groaned. 2:46 a.m. He'd been having such a fulfilling rest and knew that he wouldn't be able to fall sleep now but it was still too early to head out.

Dean felt like there was another presence in the room and slowly turned his head to the right. He jumped at the sight of Cas absently twirling the glasses in his fingers beside his bed. "Jesus Cas," he angrily whispered, "I told you to quit doin'that!" That's why he woke up so suddenly. Cas stopped twirling the glasses and gave Dean a harsh pointed look. He then set them back on the nightstand and walked out the front door. Dean incoherently grumbled something about an 'impossible and dick angel' before grabbing the glasses and quietly sneaking out the door as well.

He found Cas leaning against the side of Baby. Dean then remembered he had his feather clutched in his hand and quickly tucked it in his pocket before Cas could see. He slowly made his way over to him and gently leaned against the car next to him. He chanced a look at Cas' wings, finding them sagged and almost lifeless. Dean frowned at this.

"I apologize for waking you. I never mean to, but your senses are always more alert than I remember," Cas spoke dully.

Dean nodded. "It's fine. I already got my four hours so I should be ready for the day."

Cas' wings perked slightly at the sleepy rasp in Dean's voice. "You should try to sleep more than that. It can be unhealthy for the human body. I don't really understand it either," he mumbled with a shrug.

Dean stared at Cas then. It was obvious the angel was upset by his blander than usual tone and lilting wings. He wasn't sure what to do. "Hey. What's goin' on man? Where did you go earlier?" There was a tone of worry in Dean's voice that he usually tried to hide but neglected to this time.

Cas sighed and slowly sat down on the pavement, leaning his back against the Impala. Dean followed suit, watching as Cas gently folded his wings behind him. He stared at the angel's defeated face and waited for him to answer. "I went to the crime scene," Cas breathed, "I had to see who it was. Dean it was awful." Dean frowned at the slight break in his friend's voice and the way his wings began to tremble.

"Who was it this time? How many?" Dean asked softly. He watched as Cas' features frowned even further.

"Just one angel. Ezekiel. He..," Cas trailed off as the grief seemed to overtake him. He hugged his sides and buried his face in his knees. He wasn't crying; angels were incapable of that. But Dean knew a broken body when he saw one. His wings were folded tightly against his back and trembling uncontrollably. His feathers would shake individually then tightly smooth over before shaking again.

Dean placed a hand on Cas' shoulder before rubbing his back softly, trying desperately to avoid touching his mourning wings. They relaxed and crept open a bit at the touch, but continued trembling violently. Dean looked anywhere but the angel. He'd only ever seen him fighting to save the world and saving their asses. Never did he stop to think that he'd have to be here saving his.

Dean stared at the sky above him, trying to focus on the stars and continuing to gently rub his friend's back. He'd stay here and wait until his wings finally settled and he heard the rest of what he started saying. Dean was abruptly ripped from the stars when Cas gripped the arm that had been trying to calm him down. He threw himself onto Dean and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug. He sat himself in Dean's lap and pressed the side of face into his shoulder. Dean sat there startled before slowly snaking his own arms around Cas and under his wings. He stared ahead in shock as they shook in relief. Dean began to rub circles into Cas' back again and sunk against the Impala.

Cas' nose brushed lightly against Dean's neck as he hoarsely whispered, "He was my best friend in Heaven."

Dean's body trembled at the close contact. He took one of his hands and placed it on the back of Cas' head. He ran his fingers through his hair and pulled his head closer into his neck. "It's gonna be okay Cas," he mumbled into his hair. Cas gripped him tighter and buried his face deeper into Dean's warmth.

Dean listened to the angel's heavy breaths and felt him shivering in his arms. His wings shivered along with his body and kept violently flapping outward before drawing in again. Dean stayed silent and didn't move. He let Cas' fingers clench and unclench the fabric of his shirt. He let him press his body so tightly against his that he felt as if he couldn't breathe. He let him huff out hot breaths against his neck as pulled in closer and adjusted his position.

After what seemed like an hour to Dean, Cas relaxed against him and let out even breaths. He'd tired himself out so much that the angel was now sleeping. His body no longer shook in his arms and his wings weren't as outrageously restless. Dean could feel Cas' chest rise and fall against his as he breathed in his sleep. He felt Cas' hands hung loosely around his back and the sweat procuring on his neck from the angel's quiet breathing. Dean continued to rub circles in the man's back even though he was sure he no longer needed it. He just couldn't quite will his hands to be still.

Dean hugged him gently and pulled him closer. He watched as Cas' wings unfurled and opened to a larger capacity. They curled forward and around the two of them, stopping just short of Dean's skin. He felt Cas involuntarily smile against his neck. All Dean could see was the soft blackness around them. He wanted to reach out and softly run his hands along the feathers, but thought he shouldn't without proper permission.

He was suddenly engulfed by a warmth all around him and it wasn't coming from the warm already tangled in his arms. A wave of protectiveness soon followed and Dean became aware of this feeling he also felt while he'd been asleep. He thought back to the feather he held in his hand as he'd slept and a small smile crept onto his face. "Cas," he whispered before laying his head atop the angel's. He felt the arms behind him tighten ever so slightly as he too began to drift off.

He lazily watched the wings hovering around them and smiled as they shimmered in the starlight. He closed his eyes then, his last waking thoughts of warmth and happiness.

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