Chapter 1

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Dean hated the thought of ever having to wear glasses. He thought it'd make him look too nerdy and he'd lose the countless women who'd swoon over him.

But as he looked into the mirror of his bathroom, donning the scorched spectacles, Dean decided he looked rather attractive.

He'd turn his head side to side, examining the way the frames sat delicately on the tops of his cheek bones. How the thin wires hugged his ears comfortably. And how the charcoal gray made his piercing green eyes lavishly pop.

He slowly removed the glasses, carefully folding and placing them in his flannel's front pocket. He'd kept the glasses on him ever since catching a glimpse of that hellhound for the first time in case use would ever spontaneously arrive. Or he'd equip them at random moments of the day and peek around his surroundings, curious to if they'd reveal other things his blind eye couldn't see.

Giving himself one last handsome glance in the mirror, Dean left his room altogether and met Sam in the kitchen lightly sipping on his coffee.

"Mornin' Sam," he hummed while pouring himself his own cup.

"Uh, morning?" Sam said with an eyebrow raised. "Did you sleep well or something?"

"I think I'm just in a decidedly good mood today," he smiled.

"Right. So get this..." Sam began, "a local diner in Lincoln was found with ten bodies in it. All their eyes were burned out and insides liquified. Sounds like angel business to me."

"Nebraska it is. Get the address and let's load her up!" Dean cheered. He slammed back the rest of his coffee and made to his room to pack a bag.

Weird, Sam thought.

Dean sat in the front of his Baby. Bags in the trunk and glasses still in his pocket. He honked the horn a few times and yelled out, "Come on Sammy I wanna drive!"

Sam grumbled to himself as he threw his bags into the back seat and climbed in the front. Dean just smiled at him as he started the engine and turned the music up.

As they neared Lincoln Sam had already tried turning down the radio three times, but Dean refused to let him. "Dude, why are you in such a good mood today?"

"I don't need a reason to have a good time driving my Baby down the road to a case where there's chicks, booze, and burgers. Now let's make a stop quick to change into our 'gear'" Dean said.

They stopped at a gas station just outside of town to change into their FBI uniforms. Quickly adjusting their ties and picking the right badges to slip into their jackets. Dean pulled the glasses out and contemplatively put them on. As he was checking himself out in the mirror he heard Sam scoff. "Seriously? Is that why you've been so 'upbeat'? The glasses are definitely not going to help you get laid and you totally look like a nerd."

"Come on I look hot!" Sam's judging smirk made Dean lose his smile. "Shut up," he mumbled before quickly going outside.

Dean carefully navigated the road the rest of the way to the diner after almost completely swerving off the pavement claiming he "saw something". Sam gave his brother another weird look before continuing to complain about how loud the music seemingly was.

Once they arrived at the crime scene, Dean began immediately searching the outside of the diner with his holy-infused vision. He strained to see anything odd or new before shrugging at the lack help. Sam led the way up to the sheriff waiting by the door for them. They both flashed their badges as Sam began, "I'm Agent Higgins and this is my partner-"

"Save it," the sheriff interrupted, "your other guy is already in there and he's got the rundown." Sam and Dean gave each other an odd look before ducking under the tape into the building. Dean paid no attention to whoever their supposed "partner" was, instead raking his eyes over the interior looking for any other unknown visuals. He only perked up at the sound of his name.

"Dean," the gravelly voice said in an almost relieved tone. "It's been a while."

Dean turned around to meet his best friend and angel in a completely platonic hug. "It's good to see you too Cas," he mumbled into the top of his shoulder.

As they separated, Dean finally looked at Cas directly and his eyes of green-lit heaven widened in bewilderment. His lips parted ever so slightly as he sucked in a shocked breath and felt his heart hammering in his chest.

Cas' head tilted slightly to the side as he furrowed his brows in question. "Dean?"

Before him stood Cas in his legendary trench coat and unforgivably messy hair, plus one thing he'd never thought was to ever pierce his eyes. Behind the angel erupted two large black wings of silken feather and shimmering design. Dean felt like he couldn't breathe in their beautiful presence.

"Cas," he whispered in complete awe.

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