~The voice in the woods~

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Jo...? His name was Jo before? You questioned it a bit but decided not to ask him about it seeing as he doesn't seem to like it very much. Whilst the room went silent you quickly thought up another topic of discussion.

"Hey... JJ? I heard a voice in the woods earlier on, you know?..." he then looked at you as his facial expression completely dropped "You did...?" the rest of the tea party went silent for a while and the blood hound started to sniff around in the misty fog infested air "They're coming" Everybody started to freak out "TRY TO ACT NORMAL!" JJ pulled a cookie out of his pocket and handed it to you, one of the 'try me' cookies.

"Take this. You need to stay hidden from them, we'll put you in the sugar jar for the time being" you refused for about a minute but you couldn't refuse much longer when JJ just shoved the cookie into your mouth and you shrank to the size that you were before. He grabbed you and threw you into the jar of sugar, closing the lid and leaving you in complete darkness.

Not long after an unfamiliar voice spoke outside of the tin "Where is she?". Nobody answered his question, instead they all burst into a big hysterical laughter until they finally built up the sense to reply "Where is who?" "Y/N!" they laughed again "Who's Y/N?" It was all giggles and smiles until someone could be heard getting slapped across the face outside. You couldn't see who it was but assumed that it was that nincompoop, JJ.

"Don't fool me hatter. I know that you brought her here. The sooner you tell me the more time the queen of hearts might spare your head." Upon hearing this JJ cleared his throat and thought of a quick distraction while his subconscious thinks of the real reply to something like that.

"Well, well you see- The time has come, my dear friend, to talk of other things! Of milk, cookies and tea parties and wether bread has wings. Kaloo Kalay join us today, we're the cabbages and the kings~" It's as if everyone here knows that song... They treat it as a national anthem or something and change up the lyrics to fit the situation. When you get out of here you'll probably get nostalgia from it but at least you can sing it to LaLa and DD as long as LaLa isn't returned to her old owner whoever that may be.

The other man scoffed "Kaloo Kalay, your head is at steak, cause of the queen of red things." and with that, the sound of the horses hoofs cantering away echoed through the woods until they were completely gone.

JJ and the others loudly exhaled in relief. He opened the sugar jar and handed you a mushroom which you knew to bite the left side of. As soon as you grew back to a normal height you got mad at him for shoving you inside of a jar "Kaloo kalay, you're so dead today!"

You took a big leap at JJ, attempting to tackle him but he quickly moved towards the left before you could "Kaloo Kalay, I saved you today. I'm a cabbage and a king~" what is he talking about? And what is it with this place and cabbages? Kings is understandable but cabbages? Really? "What do you mean? You never saved me, you shoved me in a jar!"

"The queen of tarts- I mean, the queen of hearts is after you and that was one of her knights. I just saved you from him thanks to Bayard the bloodhound. She would've been off with your head, my head and everyone else within 10 feet of us's head if it weren't for me and him."

𝔚𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡 - 𝔍𝔬 𝔍𝔦𝔫𝔥𝔬Where stories live. Discover now