~In the world of my own~

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You swung your legs back and forward sitting on the tree branch with your cat DD. DD's just sitting there watching you all cutely with his little blue bow on his collar and small blue stockings on his paws so that his feet don't get dirty. He's supposed to be a house cat but he can come outside every once in a while as long as he doesn't get dirty. DD is a lovely fluffy cat. Your mother often jokes around that when DD lays down he looks like a loaf of bread,

DD meowed at you for some reason and it reminded you of what you've been up all night thinking about "You see, DD. In my world you wouldn't saw 'meow', you'd politely say how do you do? DD looked at you the same way he originally was looking since he of course has no clue what you're saying. Despite him only being a clueless cat you continued rambling "You know... If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't."

You hopped off of the tree branch which wasn't that far for the ground but still hurt your knees a little upon landing firmly on the ground. DD came climbing down the tree early seeing as he has claws to grip onto the bark. You scooped him up in your arms and put him into a pile of flowers next to the little river. A wonderful pink flower petal landed on his foot like a little shoe and you had an idea so you put a whole flower onto his head, pretending that it's a hat. As you got comfortable in the grass you sang a little song that you wrote last night, hoping that DD would like it even though in this world he wouldn't know that you're even singing to him.

"Cats and rabbits
Would reside in fancy little houses
And be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers
In a world of my own~

All the flowers
Would have very extra special powers
They would sit and talk to me for hours
When I'm lonely in a world of my own~

There'd be new birds
Lots of nice and friendly howdy-do birds
Everyone would have a dozen bluebirds
Within that world of my own~

I could listen to a babbling brook
And hear a song that I could understand
I keep wishing it could be that way
Because my world would be a Wonderland~"

You played outside with DD for a while before your mother called you into the house for supper. Vegetable soup again.

At supper you discussed school with your mother and how your classes were going. The most awkward situation was when you brought up the dreams you've been having lately and your mother asked "What are these dreams like?" which was the question you dreaded answering but did it anyway.

"There's always a white rabbit and a brown hare that can both talk in fluent English. The white rabbit I'm afraid is obsessed with time and the other is too busy throwing birthday parties and drinking tea to care about anyone else. There is a purple cat named Cheshire that teleports around and causes mischief- OH! I almost forgot that there is a queen named the queen of hearts that has sentient cards and frogs as her soldiers and did I mention that she has an addiction to chopping of heads? At the brown hare's tea parties also have a little mouse that lives inside the teapot and comes out to FIGHT everything and succeeds in doing so despite being teensy. There's a talking caterpillar that puffs letters and numbers out of his mouth- OH and there's an amazing guy that wears crazy clothes and a top hat known as the 'Mad-hatter' but I can't remember his name BUT it does start with a H. And theres these amazing twins and you wouldn't believe-"

"Y/N, I don't want to hear any more of your fairytales. They say that people dream of what they desire and think of through the day and you're here fantasising about talking animals, tea-parties and vermin living inside of teacups?" She sighed and put her head in her hands "Just... go to your room, we'll discuss this on one of my better days."

𝔚𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡 - 𝔍𝔬 𝔍𝔦𝔫𝔥𝔬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora