The Pygmalion is Planting Seeds

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     Author: Ding Mo
Translation credit:- MERAKI TRANSLATIONS

♥ Why did it happen?” An Yan asked. “Since Ke Qian treated them so well, how is it that they all looked down on him?”

“He was too much of a yes-man,” Fang Qing replied. “He was too concerned about what other people thought, but, contrarily, they thought very little of him.”

They lacked kindness, and disregarded the good intentions of others. It wasn’t his fault, but theirs.”
There is no big evil, only the little evils and occasional kindness in the ebb and flow* of everyday life. I guess that’s just human nature.”

*T/N 随波逐流 (sui bo zhu liu) – lit. to drift with the waves and go with the flow

If we work hard, we will be able to make a decent living. This is my dream and my passion, and I want to make a living by it. If people follow convention* blindly and go to work, becoming slaves to their mortgages or their cars, does it mean that I can’t pursue my dreams? If it’s something one likes, does it really matter if one has to be poor for a little while?”

*T/N 循规蹈矩 (xun gui dao ju) – lit. to follow the compass and go with the set square; fig. to follow the rules inflexibly, to act according to convention.

If you have ever seen a dead body with your own eyes, your words cannot ring false.

Dead people and living people are completely different.

It was the first time we had seen the difference.

Our one-time buddy whom we had worked together to kill, as well as our dreams

Refinement without ability is worse than plain beggary. Life is a gamble. You only have one shot.

• Realize your stature, and don't desire too much.


• I am a child picking up stones in vain. The stones that I diligently piled up will mercilessly destroy the devil, over and over again.
I am eternally performing a play in a pitiful, ridiculous, and pathetic scene.
But despite everything, I need to continue stacking up those stones. Believing that one day, he/she will come and take me out of this spine-chilling wasteland.
It is the only thing that I can do after all.


• Humans possess both love and hate. Their allocations may differ from person to person, but both of them equally exist.


• An urban legend is a derived work based on reality. By messing with the truth a little, sticking some decorations here and there, and giving it a backstory, it will turn into a successful modern fairy tale. So yeah, it's not entirely made up. On the contrary, holding a substance of reality gives it a wicked sense. Especially those carrying a high self-consciousness and who often get under the wrong impression would be easily deceived by such talk. People like you

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