Chapter Twenty-Three

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Allegations with Alice Cullen


"What are you doing here?"

 Yes, you may take this moment to judge me. I was back in Forks for the third time in two years... This time with my sister. Alyssa was sweeping her eyes over all of the cars, and the people, with her nose scrunched up in disgust. Lyssa hates Forks, but let's be real, don't we all? 

 I was here to see Bella. I had to ask her what she was planning to do during the battle, which was less than a week away according to the predictions made by Alice Cullen.

 Speaking of which...

 I raised my eyebrows at the girl, at the same time Alyssa looked, over, her lips parting slightly. "We're here to see Bella." 

 Alice narrowed her eyes, crossing her tiny arms. She seemed like she desperately wanted to smile, so she did, so the onlookers didn't stick around. I could still hear their comments as they passed. 

 "Isn't that the kid who almost beat up Cullen?" 

 "Yeah, I still think he would win that fight." 

 "Who's the girl with him?

 "Yeah she's hot." 

 "Is that Alice Cullen?" 

 Alice, obviously hearing their muses, rolled her golden eyes, and I smiled back, tilting my head to the side as Alyssa tried to figure out what the hell was going on. "Why do you want to see Bella?"

 "I need to talk to her," was the response, because I already knew Alice knew why. She sent me a look. "Is that against the rules, now?" 

 "You're so annoying," she mumbled, although her face wasn't scrunched up in disgust like it usually was when we spoke. Instead, she just had a look of very mild annoyance on her face. "I presume you guys are preparing for the battle." 

 "Yeah, we don't exactly have a Jasper, but we have a Paul, and he can get very aggressive when he gets angry." 

 Alice giggled slightly, the sound musical and oddly calming. Calming, 'make (someone) tranquil and quiet; soothe.' 

 Shit, why am I nervous? 

"Paul seems fun." 

 "He's a handful." 

 "The battle will be tough," Alice finally decided, crossing her pale arms and jutting her chin out confidentially. It was funny, speaking to Alice Cullen, even simply seeing Alice Cullen... with her  tiny arms, and her quaint features, knowing that she could kill anyone in this school without the smallest thought. She looks so innocent.

 None of the bloodsuckers are innocent... none of us are innocent. 

 "But we can win it." 

 "Do you see us winning it?" I had to ask, curiosity building in the middle of my stomach. I had to know if she knew the outcome, because if not, there will be room for imagination, and God knows what my imagination would think up of. 

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