Chapter Two

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The Best Boys Will Be Boys


"You know what the most dangerous thing about cliff diving is?" I asked as Jacob was just about to jump off the edge. "The landing, you could break your neck, fracture your spine, hypothermia is actually a really good one too-" 

 "Shut up, Tony!" Quil snapped, waiting for Jacob to launch himself off of the rocky surface. It was a nice day in La Push, so, obviously, we were going cliff diving. And I was trying to educate my dumb friends on how dangerous it was. 

 "There are also sharks." I made a chomping motion with my hands at Quil, who jumped. "They love feasting on innocent jumpers." 

 "That's it." Jacob walked over to me slowly. "Tony's going first."

 "I'm not jumping off of that thing!" I defended, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "I am supposed to live the longest." 

"Grab him." 

 "No!" I screeched, running over to cower behind Embry. "No! I am too young!" 
 Quil came up behind me, so I jumped up and latched onto Embry's back, making him grunt, but manage to stay up. "No! Saltwater will get in my throat!" 

 "Let go!" Quil growled, grabbing my legs and trying to pull me off of Embry. I held my arms firmly around his chest, squeezing tight and refusing to release.  

 "My face is so beautiful! I don't want it all messed up!" 


 "Kinda trying to not be choked here!" 

"Jake help!" 

 Jacob, who was standing to the side, chuckling at the comical scene, ran over to forcefully remove my arms from Embry. I shrieked again, thrashing around until I fell to the ground, rapidly crawling away. One thing was clear: I was not getting in that water. 

 I stripped my shirt off, smacking Quil with it repeatedly. "Back!"

 In the end, I didn't win the fight. 

 Quil backed me to the side of the cliff, and I made my last act of flipping him off before he shoved me and I was plummeting to the water below. 

 When I made contact, it sent a sharp sting up my back, but nothing worse than that. The water was warmer than I expected, and I immediately kicked my way back up, not liking the black emptiness around me. My head broke the surface, chilled by the air that was colder than the water, and spit a mouthful out. 

 "You are all never going find love!" 

 The boys above's laughter could be heard from where I was, and then Embry decided to show off, and launched off of the clip, managing to complete two full flips, before landing not to far away from me. His head popped out, and he shook his head like a dog. "Whoo! Water is great." 

 "You're so weird." I pointed out, swimming over just so I could splash him.

 Embry playfully wiggled his eyebrows in my direction. "Did you fracture your spine?" 

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