Episode IV

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Brye Gallia liked to think she knew right from wrong.

Right was doing the will of the Council, abiding the Code and respecting her elders. Right was being mindful and keeping the peace, playing the role of Jedi as best as one could. Right was not giving into her emotions.

Wrong was the opposite of right in many ways. Wrong was stepping off the path her Masters had taught her to walk on, to give in to her impulses and voice those dark thoughts lingering at the back of her mind.

It was these dark thoughts that she struggled to hold at bay as she hurried through the Temple halls, the lightsaber attached to her belt bouncing slightly thanks to her uneasy pacing.

Brye paid no noticed to the lightsaber, nor to the other Jedi who glanced her way, probably thinking she was late for another meeting. She had spent a lifetime in the Temple and was attuned to the Jedi's ways.

For an Order who aspired to keep peace, they were an awfully hard group of people to please.

A strand of dark slipped out from behind her ear and Brye tucked it back quickly, rounding a corner and entering the room she had been called to. Master Windu was there, much to her surprise, and Master Kollen Ddjen.

The two men couldn't have appeared more unalike. Mace Windu was tall and dark, his robes of the traditional fashion and made from a range of deep fabrics. Beside him Kollen Ddjen was a block of ice, all sharp angles and pale features, his robes colourless and head covered in grey hair.

Brye bowed in greeting then stepped forward. "You called for me?"

Before Kollen had summoned her, she had been getting ready to leave for Kamino to see if she could be of assistance to Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Council hadn't said much about her assignment, only that it was of great importance.

"Anakin Skywalker has made contact with the Temple. We have reason to believe he will interfere with your mission," Kollen said. His voice, much like his looks, held no warmth. Not that Brye had been expecting any. Years of training as his padawan had made her used to his serious nature.

She stole a quick look at Mace. "You believe he'll be trouble?"

"I believe Skywalker might appear," Mace said. "He will likely seek to aid Master Kenobi."

"Should you see him, you should report to the Council immediately." Kollen crossed his arms under his robes. "Anakin has been assigned to protect Senator Amidala. He cannot protect anyone while he has his mind set on other matters."

"Of course," Brye nodded again.

Mace gave a polite nod of his own as he slipped out the door. When he was gone, Brye turned her attention to Kollen and did her best not to flatter under his gaze. She always had the feeling he disproved of her, whether it was her posture, tone, or just her general presence.

"I will walk with you to the ship," he said. There was no room for her to say either yes or no, so Brye simply fell into step beside him.

The shuttle was waiting for her in the bay, prepared to carry Brye to the ship she would use to get herself to Kamino. Flying had never been something she was overly fond of, and it had been one of the only parts of her training she had feared she would fail.

"How are you feeling about this assignment?" Kollen asked. They stopped before the shuttle, his arms still crossed and eyes inspecting her every move.

"It is an honour to be granted such a task." 

Brye was aware many Jedi had felt a great disturbance in the Force, something she herself had barely noticed, and that the Council had been constantly questioned about it since. She couldn't think of why she had been chosen for the task. She had told herself it was because she was the only one not rushing to the Masters to ask what had happened, but confirmation was still needed.

"As long as you feel confident that you will be able to handle this on your own. Should you tell Master Yoda you believe it would be better you were accompanied, I'm sure he would understand." Kollen almost seemed to smile.

"The Force will guide me," Brye said carefully. If Kollen decided he was joining her, she wasn't sure there was anything she could do to change his mind.

Kollen uncross his arms and planted a hand on her shoulder. "May the Force be with you," he said in the warmest tone he could muster.

 Watching him walk away, Brye rolled her shoulders, trying to shake herself free from the pressure resting on her. This would be one assignment she would make sure she didn't mess up.

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