Rosewood - Part 1

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a/n: Hi, this fanfic is based on Princess in Practice of the Rosewood Chronicles series by Connie Glynn. I love the RWCH and thought I'd add my own character so Jamie's less lonely lol. Also wanted to tell the story from a different perspective, so to the few people reading... I hope you enjoy! Please Vote! Okay, bye :)


The taxi ride lacks chatter. But you're grateful for it, not particularly wanting to speak to the driver. 

You're on your way to Rosewood school, the mysterious place that whisked away your sister and turned her into a new, distant and secretive version of Lottie Pumpkin.

As soon as Lottie started school at Rosewood, you knew something was going on. Being only 11 months apart in age she had told you everything before. But that changed after her year at Rosewood, so, you had decided to try and join the school for the second year, hopefully it was worth it. And even if it wasn't, Rosewood was meant to be a very good school.

When the taxi pulls to a stop you pay the driver and retrieve your suitcase from the boot, struggling to drag it along the cobblestones as you approach the school.

The old brick at the entrance holds itself proudly despite its years, the flowers and ivy gracefully framing the arch that opens out into a cobblestone courtyard.

It's beautiful.


You jump at the sudden voice, your eyes darting to the source.

A girl with cute glasses and curly space buns smiles up at you.

You nervously smile back. "Hello."

"I'm Binah Fae, what's your name?" She asks, her bright yellow uniform neat and clean.

"Y/N Pumpkin."

Binah's eyes widen with the new information, as if the knowledge energises her. "You're Lottie's sister?"

"Yes! Do you know her? Can I see her?" Your excitement starts breaking through at the sound of your sister's name.

"She's back in the gardens, follow me!" As you walk, Binah continues. "I see you made it into Ivy house, which is the same as Lottie, I'm in Stratus, and Conch is the third."

You nod, distracted by the large number of students bustling about and getting as much use out of their phones before they're taken away.

"Are you in the same year as Lottie?" Binah asks.

"Yes, I was born in September, and she was born eleven months later."

"Happy birthday for when that comes!"

You smile. "Thank you, it's actually my birthday today and you're the first to say that."

"Well happy birthday for today!" She grins, "they're over there."

You see three figures in purple uniforms deep in discussion, Lottie's blonde curls blowing in the wind.

"Lottie!" You shout. Lottie whips round at the sound of your voice, mouth wide open in shock.

"Y/N?" She stares at you with wide eyes, as if not able to believe what she's seeing. "Y/N!!!" Lottie sprints over, hugging you tightly.

"You got into the school?!" She asks, a beaming smile on her flushed face.

"Yeah, and I worked too hard to do so..."

"Where's your room?"

"Uhhh... 24?"

Her smile grows even wider. The other people she was talking to wander over, one, a girl with dark hair and a stubborn confidence almost visible in her gait. The other, a serious boy with scruffy hair and olive skin, his appearance and presence immediately intrigues you, and you can't help but stare slightly.

More than slightly.

"This is Jamie and Ellie!" Binah states, again making you jump.

"Ellie's my roommate and Jamie's my friend, Jamie is in room 25, so, you're neighbours." Lottie explains.

Your eyebrows raise against your will, he's your new neighbour? Intense angry boy?

"I'm y/n, Lottie's sister." You smile at them, maintaining a safe distance, but as your eyes meet Jamie's you can't look away, he seems so intimidating and powerful, yet sad.

He keeps his gaze in silence, not breaking eye contact, "You're next door to me?"

You're so intrigued by him you forget how to speak, and after you don't answer Lottie does it for you, "Yes! Isn't it great! Oh my goodness! I've just remembered! Happy Birthday y/n!"

You smile appreciatively, free from your Jamie trance, and hating how big an effect he has on you already.

Lottie introduces you to her other friends, Anastacia and Raphael. Anastacia lowers her sunglasses and looks you up and down judgementally; clearly not wanting to talk.

Rapheal seems friendly, showing off his straight white teeth with a charming smile.


Later that day Lottie encourages you to eat lunch with her and Ellie on an outdoor picnic bench, you comply obviously, but you're still slightly nervous around Ellie. 

Jamie turns up not long later, and to your dismay takes a seat next to you, "Hello."

"Hi." You reply, ignoring how close he is to avoid losing the ability to speak again. You don't know what it is about him, but find it incredibly annoying.

Ellie glances up,"Hi Jamie," she grumbles. You assume she's in a bad mood, but by the way Lottie and Jamie don't react in a any way, you guess it's standard for her.

"How long have you guys been friends?" You ask, curious to learn more about these mysterious new people that have stolen away your sister.

"Since last year." Lottie answers, taking a swig of water and nearly choking on it.

Jamie intertwines his fingers as if in thought, unwinds them, then faces you, "Why are you here?"

The bold question stuns you slightly, "Huh?"

"You heard me." He produces a rosy red apple from his bag, maintaining eye contact as he bites into it.

"Jamie-" Ellie sighs, "Don't try to intimidate her, she's Lottie's sister and she just got here."

Jamie throws a glance of distaste her way, "It was just a question."

"Uh..." you're heavily intimidated, "well, I was worried about Lottie, I mean..." you turn to face your sister, "you haven't been home forever! And wrote to me once, why?"

Lottie's expression drops with guilt, "We were really occupied y/n, I'm so sorry, and of course, they took my phone!"

"Alright." You reply, but you aren't satisfied with the answer, casting your eyes down and fiddling with the hairband on your wrist.

"Um," Ellie breaks the silence, "do you have anymore questions?"

You look up again, "What do you guys do in your free time?" having never been to a boarding school before you want to learn more about the opportunities.

"I fence." Ellie states proudly.

You can't help an approving grin from blooming on your face, "That's so cool!"

"Jamie does long distance running." Lottie adds, giving the boy a side glance.

You turn to Jamie and he nods, taking another bite of his apple, as he does so he eyes you up and down suspiciously.

"Oh!" Lottie suddenly yelps, rummaging in her bag and breaking the tension, "Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't get you a proper present but I brought some of your favourites!"

She hands you a pot of chocolate covered strawberries with a cute handmade card.

"Thanks Lottie." You take the gifts and smile down at them, appreciative that you have at least one present on your birthday.

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