Tompkin's Manor - Part 5

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When the coach arrives at rosewood for Tompkin's manor the fencers and their plus ones pile on, you greet Ellie and Anastacia with a smile before tapping Lottie on the shoulder; her thick blonde curls trailing down her back.

"Hey Lots I need to speak to you."

"Sure y/n" she smiles warmly, sitting beside you.

"There's something missing with the Hamelin formula."

Her warm expression melts into intrigue, "Go on..."

"We know that Leviathan are testing it on students at rosewood. And since Anastacia went away for a couple days she's started acting completely different. There must be a clue somewhere, a mistake that they've made, and surely there's something do with Anastacia."

Lottie's eyes widen in realisation, "You don't know about Saskia."


"Saskia... she attended Rosewood last year turned out she was working for the leviathan and attempted to kidnap me."


"It's okay! Jamie and Ellie managed to save me, Saskia is in the dungeons of the Maravish Palace."

You blink at your sister, "I can't believe you went through all this...and DIDN'T TELL ME."

Lottie shrugs sheepishly, "I'm telling you now."

"Okay, so...what has Saskia got to do with Anastacia?"

"They," Lottie lowers her voice to a hiss, "dated, so when Anastacia found out...she was heartbroken, and that weekend she left she was visiting Saskia and I'm presuming something happened."

"Oh..." you don't know what to think, if your only lead Saskia is locked away then she can't have been poisoning rosewood, who was?

"Y/n," Lottie waves a hand in front of your face, breaking you from your daze, "Is it okay if I go and sit with Ellie now?"

You nod dismissively, and Lottie gives you a supportive smile before she goes to sit with her roommate.

Jamie immediately takes her place, sliding into the seat next to you, clearly distracted with diverted eyes.

"Hello," you say, he looks around and stares at you,"Jamie? Are you okay?"

"What... yeah fine." he glances back down at the ground.

"Are you not sitting with Ellie and Lottie?"

"It's a two seater bus."

"Oh right." you notice they are only a couple of rows away giggling. Jamie looks at you again, his eyes burning into yours without a blink.

"Y/n you need to be careful." he states seriously.

"I know that Jamie, but don't worry about me, I'm not a priority."

"Yes you-" He stops himself, his expression remaining cold, but you know he's not fine. He has to remain loyal, that's his life.

"Jamie, you can't protect everyone." The words are simple but true. Again Jamie nods reluctantly. You elbow him gently with a small smile, "lighten up Partizan."

He rolls his eyes slightly and holds back a smile as the coach journey continues. Not long later your eyelids begin to droop with exhaustion, and you drift into sleep.



As y/n slept her head slid down from the seat onto my shoulder, causing my eyes to widen. I tried to crush any feelings I had for her, but it was impossible. I took a deep breath but her sweet apple smell clouded my senses. Come on Jamie, I told myself, the only thing  that should be on your mind is keeping Ellie and Lottie safe, y/n told you so...

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