9. The last moments

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As the time is running out

Arnold -"It doesn't matter ! Your threatening doesn't matter ! I won't stop...."

Arnold keeps on climbing while Shahil keeps on fighting !

In a few minutes Arnold reaches the room for which he was climbing.

Arnold pushes the opening door but is unable to lift it !

Arnold -"Damm ! That Dr closed this door !"

Arnold tries harder and is able to move it a bit !

In the meantime Shahil is still fighting the zombies and is getting exhausted continuously!

Shahil -"Eye ! Take it ! Kick ! Punch. I am the hero ! Ehhhhhhh.....haaaaaaaa !"

Dr Ray -"What a fun ! What an enjoyment ! This is the best ! Hahahahhahahhh !"

Dr Ray laughs and laughs untill he falls on the floor laughing !

Arnold feels the door to be light for a moment and he pushes the door wide open.

Dr Ray -"What ! You bastard !"

Arnold -"Mind your language doc !"

Dr Ray -"You are gonna die !"

Arnold -"let's see !"

Arnold quickly goes to the control panel and pulls the leaver.

Dr Ray quickly goes to find a rod to hit Arnold.

After Arnold pulls the leaves he goes for the buttons !

The time remaining for self destruction is 3 mins.

Arnold is pressing the green buttons while he is hit by Dr Ray.

Dr Ray-"There you are ! Now go to deep sleep !"

Arnold -"You Coward !"

Arnold falls unconscious !

Dr Ray -"Now my play with this guy !"

Shahil is totally exhausted because of continuous fighting and he is barely standing on his feet.

Dr Ray-" You could fight them because they weren't your Friends but what about the guy I found in my warehouse ! Hahahhahahahha !"

Injamul enters the room in which shahil is !

Shahil -"No , please no !"

Injamul starts punching Shahil.

Shahil -"Eh ! Ai ! Stop ! Please ! Try to remember me Injamul !"

Injamul keeps on beating him ruthlessly.

Dr Ray -"Ah ! What an enjoyment ! Now I get why Romans liked these kind of games ! Hahahhahaha !"

Arnold slowly gains consciousness .

Arnold -"That bastard ! Wait a minute ! "

Arnold searches for the rod by which he was hit.

Arnold -"Here it is !"

Arnold aims at Dr Ray.

Dr Ray -"Yeah ! Come on ! Beat that kid's life out ! Hahahhahahahha ! Ehhh "

Arnold hits Dr Ray on his head.

Dr Ray-"What the hec ! Oh ! My head !"

Dr Ray falls unconscious.

Arnold quickly presses the self destruct button and the countdown stops at 1 minutes.

Arnold then presses the red buttons which Shahil told him.

As soon as the red buttons are pressed the zombies stop whatever they were doing and lie on the ground.

Shahil -"You ! You ! Did it ! At last !"

Arnold -"Yeah ! We did it !"

Shahil then climbs up to that room.

Shahil -"Let's tie this mad scientist up first !"

Arnold -"You just stole my line !"

They tied Dr Ray and place him in a corner !

Arnold -"How do we make everything normal ?"

Shahil -"To turn everything normal, first we have to press the red buttons and then the green buttons !"

Arnold -"Okay ! Let's turn everything back to normal then !"

Shahil -"Wait a minute ! Let's first repair the damage done !"

Arnold -"How ?"

Shahil -"Let me see ! First we press the green buttons then we say on mic -"Everyone get up and repair the damages done and make it visible like as it was yesterday !" Then we press the red buttons."

Arnold -"Where did you learn all that ?"

Shahil -"I saw this too in my dream !"

Arnold -"I don't know how this is happening but everything looks unbelievable !"

Shahil -"Yeah !"

In an few hours everything is repaired and the people gather on the outside of the invisible house .

Arnold -"Will they do everything we say ?"

Shahil -"Yes ! Why ?"

Arnold -"We can be kings of the world and we can , you know ! And we can rest and live our whole lives !"

Dr Ray gains consciousness !

Dr -"See ! We can rule ! We can be the greatest ! We can be the Mightiest !"

Arnold gets submerged in thoughts.

Shahil -"Yes we can be kings and rule the world but what will that make us ! Slaves of our desires ! And I would like to die as a king of my heart rather than being slave of ugly desires !"

Arnold gets a hold back of the situation !

Arnold -"I am sorry ! I got lost !"

Shahil -"It's all right ! Power makes the brightest starts dim but conscience and bring the best light out of it !"

Arnold -"I get it ! And I know what to do next !"

Arnold presses the green buttons and commands the people to return back to their houses.

All the people return back to their houses.

Shahil then presses the red buttons and terminates the radio frequencies that were controlling them.

Dr Ray -"You are idiots ! You are hopeless !"

Dr Ray is able to untie his hands while blaming their decision.

Dr Ray gets up to attack them but is instead knocked by a combo punch of Shahil and Arnold.

Shahil gets a small Machine.

Shahil -"So this is the prototype ! Right !"

Shahil uses the machine and Dr Ray is now hypnotized .

Arnold -"From today you will work hard and not do anything evil and will live as a responsible citizen !"

Dr Ray -"As you say , sir !"

Shahil -"Arnold and Dr Ray let's get out of here and destroy this place !"

Arnold -"Okay !"

They get out of the place and remotely destroy the lab.

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