8. The Time Run

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Dr Ray opens the gate of the room and the people begin to enter like zombies !

Arnold -"How do we stop it ? Shahil !"

Shahil -"Let me remember ! Let me remember ! Ah... ah... , what happened next...oh yeah...there is a room above this room where Dr Ray is and there is the control panel . You need to pull the leaver then press all the green buttons first and then the red ones. This will make everyone normal...yeah..."

Arnold -"Alright then...let's go !"

The zombies have come near them and they try to hold them and hit their heads.

Shahil and Arnold begin kicking and punching them to keep them away.

Dr Ray -"Ah what a fun ! Ah, I love it !"

Arnold -"We both won't be able to leave together ! One of us has to hold them of while the other will turn them normal !"

Shahil looks at Arnold and sees his heavy breathings .

Shahil -"I will hold them off ! You try to get to that roof gap !"

Arnold -"Are you sure ?"

Shahil -"Yeah !"

Arnold -"Okay then ! But the roof is so high !"

Arnold tries to jump and get to the roof but fails.

Arnold -"I have an idea ! Pile these zombies one above another for me to get to the roof !"

Shahil -"Huh ! Easier said than done !"

Shahil try to make the zombies just fall rather than fighting them.

Soon both of them are able to lay around 15 zombies and then Arnold gets above the piled up zombies and tries to reach the roof.

After several attempts Arnold still fails to reach the roof .

Arnold -"Shahil , I need more !"

Shahil -"Oh man ! They are not very easy going ! Wait a minute !"

Arnold's leg gets held by zombie from below him .

Arnold -"Leave ! Leave my leg ! Idiots !"

Arnold kicks the zombie's hand.

Shahil -"Arnold , take a small round over these people while I get over your place and be ready to give you a lift !"

Arnold -"Here I go !"

Arnold runs and jumps over the zombies while Shahil gets on the piled up zombies ready to give a launch.

Shahil -"Arnold ! I am ready !"

Arnold -"And here comes Arnold jumping over the zombies and here I put my foot over Shahil's knees and I...I...have reached it ! Yeiiiii !"

Arnold gets hold of the roof and is able to climb on it.

Dr Ray -"What ? What are you planning slaves !"

Shahil -"Come on ! Go fast Arnold !"

Arnold starts climbing the stairs.

Dr Ray -"Ah, I get it ! If you don't stop then you won't be able to see your Friend again ! "

Arnold -"What do you mean ?"

Dr Ray -"I mean a hundred more zombies are on the way....hahahhahahahha !"

Shahil -"Don't worry about me ! You hurry up !"

Arnold -"But..."

Shahil -"Just go !"

As Arnold climbs Shahil starts fighting again .

A fight description by Arnold !

As Arnold finishes half of his climbing Dr Ray announces.

Dr Ray -"You ! The one climbing the stairs ! If you don't stop then the entire building will be destroyed in 10 minutes !"

Arnold -"Man ! You won't do that ! You won't kill yourself !"

Dr Ray -"I have a pod here and that pod will evacuate me from here just in time....Hahaahhahaha !'

Shahil -"Arnold , keep going ! There is not time to waste !"

Dr Ray pushes the self destruction button and the countdown starts...

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