5. The Origins

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Shahil, do you remember ,Last night, I didn't come home. "

Shahil -"Yeah, you said that you had some work at the lab."

Injamul -" While I was at the lab researching a strange energy wave was detected all over the city. I was in the lab trying to sequence and understand them and some time later that wave suddenly disappeared ! When I checked out its frequencies I found that those could manipulate human beings! "

Arnold -"Like a mind control ! ."

Injamul -"Yes, and then I called our professor to inform him about it ! But he didn't reply ! As I went out I saw that the few who were in the campus had gone berserk ! I understood that there was no doubt about that strange energy wave in being someone's evil plan ! From then I am trying to hide from them and trying to find that energy waves point of origin to reverse the effect !"

Arnold -"Then why weren't you effected by it !"

Injamul -"I was in the lab where no radiation, not wave nothing can pass through ! But how did you two survive ?"

Arnold -"Ahh, maybe we were lucky !"

Injamul -"Do say illogical things !"

Shahil -"Maybe our brains did something to stop itself from being hacked !"

Injamul -"Hmm, although less logical but I will do on it a research after we solve this Problem."

Arnold -"So where do we go now !"

Injamul -"The epicenter is somewhere near where we live ! But I couldn't go there as the beserks attacked !"

Shahil -"Let's try again !"

All three of them ride back to there home place and keep the bike aside from a short distance.

They decided to hid till night in an attempt to get away without coming in the eyes of anyone.

Night 7:30 pm.

They quietly walk while searching for the epicenter.

The street lights are lit. The sound that can be heard is only of insects and night birds.

They search for the epicenter but what they find is a small barren piece of land Infront of Shahil's house.

The land has no structure nor any pillar just a piece of concrete slab that has been lying there for more than 30 years.

Arnold -"What's happening ? There is nothing here ! Maybe your device is giving us wrong information !"

Injamul -"No, it can't be ! See. The monitor is sensing a similar frequency which it recorded earlier ! This is the first place and there is no doubt in it !"

Arnold -"Okay, but for sending those things one should need an equipment ! And this is a barren land ! "

Shahil -"Maybe inside that house we might find some clue !"

Shahil points to the house just on the left from the point of epicenter.

Injamul -"Yeah ! Let's go !"

Arnold -"Yeah ! That house has been empty for years now ! Maybe some terrorists might have quietly made it their den !"

They walk off to that house.

Shahil -"Maybe, we should get the keys first from the gaurd house !"

Arnold -"Let's break this thing ! This is a Time of crisis !"

Injamul -"Alright !"

Arnold brings a rock and breaks the lock.

They look for clues but find nothing !

The three of them divide and search in different rooms !

While searching Injamul comes across a carpet lying on the floor ! He grows suspicious about it and as he lifts it someone hits him on his head.

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