Mine Part 2 | Bang Chan x Reader

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That was it, he was dead and no one knew. There was nothing anyone could do about it. As I was driving towards Y/N house Kevin's phone received a message from Y/N.

I pulled over to text her on his phone.

Y/N 💖💓💕:
Oh that's ok

Yeah that was meant
for Chaeyoung but if
it's a no from her i'll
ask you next

Y/N 💖💓💕:
I'll pass Kevin

I did it, she doesn't like him! I hope but I'll find out when I go to her house.

I got to her house at like 10 pm so I was surprised to see her mom answer the door. "Oh hi Chris, Y/N won't open the door thank you," she said and hugged me. I smiled behind her, I love Y/N's mom she's so sweet and welcomed me into her family. I would terrible if she tried to stop me. "She texted me earlier asking me to come over but I was busy but yeah I'll go check on her." She smiled and let me go.

I walked up the stairs to her room and knocked. "Chris?" she asked from inside. "Yeah, can I come in please?" I spoke into the door. "Yes."

I opened the door and Y/N hugged me immediately. She cried into my shirt, it's pretty obvious why. "What's wrong, Y/N?" I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back.

"Kevin, he didn't mean to ask me out and he said he meant to ask Chaeyoung but then he said I can be his seco-" she rambled. I shushed her and smiled. "You're ok, you don't deserve something like that and he doesn't deserve you. You're no one's second choice," I said and hugged her. "And no one else's choice," I mumbled.

"What was that Chris?" she asked. "Nothing," I replied. "I promise you everything is gonna be ok and that you're going to move on and realize you don't deserve to be treated like that."

"I can't with you, you're the sweetest person in the world. Whoever you love is gonna be is gonna be the luckiest person ever I can't help but be a little jealous."

There's no need to be jealous. "Aww you don't have to be jealous, I'll still love you," I pretended to joke.
Y/N rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Whatever."

It kinda sucks Kevin's gone but I can't do anything about it. "You see Y/N," I whispered. She looked up at me. "I never really understood why you liked Kevin. So many other options and you pick the worst. He could never treat you as good as someone like me." Her eyes widened and she quietly gasped, then crossed her arms and turned away.

"Are you stupid?" she mumbled. Slightly taken back by such a rude question but I asked, "Why do you ask?" Y/N sighed and looked back at me. "You're so stupid to not have realized all this time I've liked you. How were you so blind?"

Now it was my turn to gasp. "But you...all this time...it was me...not Kevin?" I asked. "You couldn't tell, I was making it so obvious," she groaned. Not really. "Sorry if you saying you liked Kevin threw me off a little bit!" I scoffed and Y/N rolled her eyes.

"I only said that to make you jealous," she said under her breath. So... I killed him for nothing? Wait no... "You said he asked you out, we're you gonna say yes?"

"I don't know, I didn't think," she replied. No need to lie, I wouldn't be mad. "It honestly doesn't bother me," I breathed. I stepped closer to her and held her chin. "As long as you're mine, and no one else comes between us. I won't let them."

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