Ch. 3 The Beginning of School

Start from the beginning

With a smile I said, "It's okay, you didn't mean to spill the bucket and it won't make a difference in the amount of maple syrup we will have." Knowing that's one of her main concerns.

She smiled and nodded. Then looking down at her feet, I heard sloshing sounds coming from it. I laughed as I realized she got a boot full of sap.

Bending down I removed her boot and dumped out the sap. I put the boot back on and grabbed her bucket, handing it back to her. A huge grin spread across her face as she took it in her left hand and grabbed my hand in her right. Smiling, we walked back to the Maple Syrup Shack.

(Cress Back to the present)

The doors banged open and my brothers walked in with huge grins on their faces. My heart started to slow down after I realized I wasn't in any danger. 

Why do my brothers always make ruckus in the house but make little noise in the forest? Sigh. It beats me.

Laughing, my brothers went over and gave my smiling mother a kiss on the forehead before sitting down. They piled their plate up with pancakes, drenching it in syrup. They argued over who could eat the pancakes faster. My brother Jared won, but it was close.

Sometimes my brothers can be so immature. After we finished breakfast, we went outside to pick out our cars. I leaned up against the grey Jeep waiting for my friends to show up. I usually ride in the backseat with Rosaleen while Finn drives and Lilac is in the passenger seat.

This has been our spot since this summer when Finn got his license and we drove into the city and the beach. I am only allowed to go into the city if someone from our friend group is with me. My parents made this rule because they don't want anything unexpected to happen to me since I can't protect myself against other wolves and bad people.

I am actually glad that my parents care about me so much, even though it is a little bothersome sometimes, but it is much better than being neglected.

I was whistling the Jurassic Park theme song as Finn came to the car with Lilac and Rosaleen. I immediately stood up straighter and had a smile that lit my face up.

"Hey guys, are you ready for the first day of school!" I asked in a cheerful voice, nearly bouncing up and down with enthusiasm.

They all laughed as I looked like a little kid talking about going to the ice cream store. Finn unhappily groaned at the thought of school. 

While Rosaleen said bubbly, "Yes! I am really excited because it's my freshman year. This is the only school full of just werewolves and shifters who wouldn't be excited" She had that look telling you, duh. 

I laughed as Finn Rolled his eyes and Lilac looked like a meh emoji. Jake, Jared, James and two other boys from their friend group piled in a newer model Sierra black truck. 

James waved his hand at us as he said, "Meet you at school kiddos!" Then they drove away laughing.

Shaking my head with a little dissatisfaction and amusement I climbed into the car. Finn and Rosaleen went around the other side to get in. Once we were all in, Finn turned the key in the ignition and started the car.

Before he put the gear into drive he turned around to face Rosaleen saying in mock anger, "If your brother calls me kiddo one more time, I'll show him when we practice training tonight." 

Rosaleen raised her hands up in defeat while suppressing a smile saying, "Hey, don't take your anger out on me man I am just the sibling."

Finn turned around with a half-smile and scowl. Then proceeded start the car. Rosaleen started to chatter away about school while I smiled and nodded. 

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