She Knows pt.1

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* This takes place before Kie knows what JJ's dad does to him. they are still 16 though.*

Kiara's POV

"JJ," I giggled high, "Sarah brought this point up to me, would you rather have eyes for nipples or nipples for eyes?"

"Okay you are high, and drunk, so you need some rest," he stated.

"But I don't want to," I whined.

"Well you can't drive home, and I am the only sober one here, surprisingly, so you have to let me drive you home," I crossed his arms, in a playful way.

"You can't make me," I remarked, crossing my arms as well.

"Oh really," he laughed. He picked me up over his shoulder, and I laughed so hard. He brought me to his bike, and sat me on it.

"You are going to sit here, and I will drive you home," he instructed, placing his only helmet on my head.

"J, can we please not go to my house, my dad will kill me if he finds out I am high, and my mother will revive me to kill me again if she finds out. Please," I rambled.

"Don't worry, I will take you to my house," he assured me. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. I know JJ likes me, all the boys had a thing for me. JJ and I always flirt, so none of us have a strong love life. He makes me happy and I make him happy. We are practically dating, but without a label, or kissing or sex. He drove me to his house.

I haven't been to his house as much as John B and Pope. He never gives me a real reason, usually his dad doesn't like people coming over. I hope he isn't embarrassed, because I am not one to judge. But as we pulled up to his house, it seemed normal, to an extent. It had four walls, a roof, and a car near it. It was yellow with an enclosed porch. Something caught me off guard when we stepped into the house. It wreaked of alcohol and pot.

"Just follow me to my room," JJ said. He was whispering. I was confused. Yeah it was four in the morning, but I don't think that a few words could wake someone.

he brought me to his room, and it was just as expected, messy.

"JJ, you could clean up a bit," I said at normal volume.

"shshhshshshhshshshusshhshsh,"he warned and covered my mouth with his warm hands.

He has been acting suspicious since we got here, but I will just ask about it tomorrow morning. "JJ, I'll sleep on the floor, you can have your bed," I whispered, taking a pillow and sitting on his messy floor.

"Um, no you aren't sleeping on the floor," he smiled, picking me up and placing me on his bed, "we can just share the bed."

"Uh okay," I awkwardly chuckled, taking off my shorts, and shirt and threw on one of JJ's.

"Sure, just take my shirt," he laughed..

"Yup, that was the plan."

I crawled into his bed, and shut my eyes. I fell asleep as soon as I laid down. Soon after, during my light slumber, I felt JJ's hands weave around my waist. his touch brought this warm fuzzy feeling even while I slept. I got a good few hours of sleep, until loud shuffling and screaming woke me up. I searched for JJ, but I couldn't find him, yet I heard his loud cries for help.

A/N: ik this one is short but I want to post and I am too tired to finish it today lolz. Anyway thank you for the love!

See ya soon,

kzsoftball19 <3

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