"Tell Kiara she looks pretty hot for a pogue!"

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*This is at Midsummers*
Kiara's POV
I was having fun, but I had to use the bathroom. So I left the group of party-goers I was hanging around and searched for the restroom.
During the short journey, I heard loud shuffling, but I ignored it.
As I was leaving the bathroom, I saw JJ being escorted out. I was about to approach him, when I heard Rafe scream, "Tell Kiara she looks pretty hot for a pogue!"
I was about to go and yell at him when JJ ran out of the large man's grip. He screamed, "Do you think I'm afraid of you bro?"
He was then pulled off of him and forced to leave. "JJ," I asked confused.
"Oh shit," he looked like he blew his cover, "Kie how much of that did you see?"
"Oh not much. But why would you do that?"
"Do what," he asked. I was in shock, he thought that he did nothing but he put himself in direct danger, just because someone said something about me.
"JJ, you threw yourself against Rafe and his bitchy-crew for me." After I said this I pulled him into a long hug.
"Kie, I would do anything for you," he chuckled but I was so confused. We have always flirted but I never thought anything of it. This moment felt different. I saw JJ in a new light but everything is falling into place. I know why he flirts with me, hates when Rafe talks to me, and why he holds on a little tighter with each hug. JJ loves me.
"Why," I asked. I need him to say it.
"Kiara you fucking know why," he sighed.
"No JJ I don't, so tell me," I spoke slightly louder than intended.
"I LOVE YOU," he yelled. Luckily no one was near us, it would have drawn lots of attention to us. "I fucking love you," he sighed breathily.
As soon as he finished, I pulled him into a warm yet passionate kiss. Just before our lips parted, I pulled away, " J, I have no idea why you would love a girl like me, but I have waited for this moment for ever."
"Hold up, did you just ask why I would love you?"
"Yes," I said quietly.
"Kiara, you are the most beautiful, smart, strong, independent, and wonderful woman I have ever met. There are so many reasons to love you but those *he scoffed* are just a few."
We leaned into another kiss. This one was more passionate, and soon our lips parted. He moved one of his hands to the small of my back, while the other lay on my cheek. My arms met at his neck, pulling him closer to me. He pushed me against the nearest wall. Things were getting really heated. I was so happy, I have loved JJ since i could remember, but our moment was interrupted. "What the hell are you doing to my daughter," my father yelled.
"Get off of her, you dirty pogue," my mother chimed in, as they approached us.
"Mom, Dad he is a person! Why don't you treat him like one," I said, trying not to draw attention to us.
"Kiara, he is TRASH ,you are grounded, and we are leaving. JJ I suggest you leave before we call security," my mother pulled my arm, and lead me out of the party. But not before I mouthed it JJ 'come to my window at 1 am' and blew him a kiss.
He nodded.
As we entered the car, my father began, "What were you thinking? You are too young to be doing whatever you want to call that with anyone!"
"YOU ARE LYING ," I yelled back.
"YES, yes we would, because they aren't dirty," my mother screamed then lowered her voice.
"Kiara, when we get inside, you are to go straight to your room and not come out until I say so," my dad instructed, " hand over the phone too."
I sighed, handing them my phone and heading inside to be locked in my room.
At 1 a.m I heard something hit my window. I hadn't slept much. I was only thinking about JJ. I want a relationship with him, but I don't know if he wants one with me.
I walked over to my window and saw JJ. I forgot I told him to come. I opened my window and let him in.
"Hey," he whispered pulling me into a hug filled with butterflies.
"Hi," I replied in a hush tone as well.
"JJ I am really sorry about my parents. I am sure that they didn't mean it. I don't think you are trash or dirty, or anything like that." I sat on my bed and looked away. I was so embarrassed with how my parents acted.
"Hey," he sat down and turned my head to face him. "I know you don't see me like that, but that is what I am. I am not good enough for you. I won't know how to treat you right. I will probably fuck up at least once. But I am going to work on that."
"No. That's not true my parents are just being bitches because you aren't a kook. And I don't give a shit. I want you and only you. Please don't think that way, please," I begged.
"Kie, I want to grow with you and experience an actual relationship with you. I love you so much, so please will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes," I squealed pulling him into a kiss. I guess my parents heard us because they knocked on my door. "Kie, are you okay," my mother asked.
"JJ," I whispered, " go outside, and I will meet you out there."
"What no are you crazy?"
I just rushed him out and opened the door to my mom. " Yes mom I am fine."
"Okay goodnight baby."
"Goodnight mom."
My mother left, and so did I.
That night I snuck out and hung wth JJ at the beach. We had a blast, while kissing, talking and cuddling. It was perfect. And all because of Rafe saying, "Tell Kiara she looks pretty hot for a pogue".  

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