Chapter I

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So It Begins

I take a deep breath and begin to exhale slowly through my mouth.

Many things rush through my mind, so I begin with, "My name is Jason White and I am a seventeen year old junior who lives in Alliance, Nebraska. Alliance is a small city in Box Butte Country for those of you wondering where it is. I'm assuming no one outside of Nebraska knows where that is, but it's okay. Honestly, it doesn't really matter to me; I like how no one knows about Alliance, because I love living in this small town. Here, I know everyone and everyone knows me. I've lived here my whole life. My father lived here, his father lived here, and his father's father even lived here, so why move to a big city when I'm already at home."

I begin full of delight knowing I am going to get into something strange. I go for my Mountain Dew bottle wondering to myself. I take two sips of that ice cold delicious beverage and continue with my vlog for my YouTube channel. I wonder if anyone will see it or if I should let anyone see it. I have not decided yet and I won't decide anytime soon, I better keep going even though I told half of my honesty and not the other half. I do love this town, don't get me wrong. It's my home, but sometimes I think, why live in a town that is becoming less like your home and more like your nightmare. I used to hate the city, because of how big it was and because there were too many people. However, over time my opinion has dramatically changed. Why not live in a big city where no one knows who I am? Why not live in a giant metropolis where no one cares who you are or who I am? Everyone may know me here, but they could care less about me. I wonder this to myself and realize I have a vlog to make even though, I have a feeling I will not put it on the internet.

"To describe myself to you, I am not too tall and not too short, I go to Alliance High School, I played little league baseball when I was ten but nowadays I don't play sports anymore, I'm into the punk and skater clothing, not the whole cowboy or jock clothes everyone else around here wear, and ever since I was around eleven years old I have been different from everyone. I mean, there isn't really a person that relates to me. Like, no one else in this town rides a skate board to school and I highly doubt that anyone in this town know who Rob Dyrdek is." I pause to reflect how sad that sounded.

This may be very upsetting, but it frustrates me knowing I am the only punk/skater in the entire town. My best friend sort of relates to what I like, but that's what best friends are supposed to do. They like the things you like and you bond over that, but not only do people not understand me, they do not accept me. I am looked at as if I am from another planet and that's something I always thought. I thought me and my mom were from somewhere else, but to my disappointment my whole life we have lived in this rural town and have resided in the same house since before I was born. Damn, I don't feel like continuing this because it is getting depressing, but I guess I have to keep going for them and try to make myself sound less pathetic than I already do.

"But I do have friends, the best kind. I cannot wait to see them tomorrow in school. I love hanging with them; they make me feel... good." I stop to reflect how my friends make me feel especially my best friend.

I had to really think of a word to use for my friends in the vlog , because they do make me feel good, but other people who are NOT my friends make me feel like shit. Sometimes it isn't on purpose and I don't get hung up on those people, but when it is not by accident, like when a lot of people make me feel like complete shit intentionally, I tend to hold anger or resentment towards them. A grudge for lack of any other term.

But I digress, "Here in Alliance, things haven't been quite normal. I noticed a lot of people moving over the last decade. I did some research and in the year 2000, the population of the Carnation City, our nickname in case you didn't know, was 8,959, but in 2010 the population dropped to 8,491. So 468 people moved away in ten years, no big deal, but the more surprising thing is that I don't think that they moved away."

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